Uploaded image for project: 'Satellite'
  1. Satellite
  2. SAT-24159

Upgrade fails with external postgresql


    • Critical
    • No

      Description of problem:
      Upgrade fails because of Postgresql.

      Satellite attempts to install a newer Postgresql locally while the PG DB is remote.

      2021-04-25 11:31:05 [ERROR ] [configure] Execution of '/bin/yum -d 0 -e 0 -y install rh-postgresql12-postgresql-syspaths' returned 1: Error: rh-postgresql12-postgresql-syspaths conflicts with postgresql-9.2.24-4.el7_8.x86_64
      2021-04-25 11:31:05 [ERROR ] [configure] You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
      2021-04-25 11:31:05 [ERROR ] [configure] You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest
      2021-04-25 11:31:05 [ERROR ] [configure] /Stage[main]/Postgresql::Client/Package[postgresql-client]/ensure: change from 'purged' to 'present' failed: Execution of '/bin/yum -d 0 -e 0 -y install rh-postgresql12-postgresql-syspaths' returned 1: Error: rh-postgresql12-postgresql-syspaths conflicts with postgresql-9.2.24-4.el7_8.x86_64
      2021-04-25 11:31:05 [ERROR ] [configure] You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
      2021-04-25 11:31:05 [ERROR ] [configure] You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest
      2021-04-25 11:31:21 [ERROR ] [configure] Execution of '/bin/yum -d 0 -e 0 -y install rh-postgresql12-postgresql-server-syspaths' returned 1: Error: rh-postgresql12-postgresql-server-syspaths conflicts with postgresql-server-9.2.24-4.el7_8.x86_64
      2021-04-25 11:31:21 [ERROR ] [configure] You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
      2021-04-25 11:31:21 [ERROR ] [configure] You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest
      2021-04-25 11:31:21 [ERROR ] [configure] /Stage[main]/Postgresql::Server::Install/Package[postgresql-server]/ensure: change from 'purged' to 'present' failed: Execution of '/bin/yum -d 0 -e 0 -y install rh-postgresql12-postgresql-server-syspaths' returned 1: Error: rh-postgresql12-postgresql-server-syspaths conflicts with postgresql-server-9.2.24-4.el7_8.x86_64
      2021-04-25 11:31:21 [ERROR ] [configure] You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
      2021-04-25 11:31:21 [ERROR ] [configure] You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
      6.8.6 > 6.9

      How reproducible:
      Unsure exactly

      Steps to Reproduce:
      1. Satellite 6.8.6 with external pg
      2. Attempt upgrade

      Actual results:
      '/bin/yum -d 0 -e 0 -y install rh-postgresql12-postgresql-syspaths' returned 1: Error: rh-postgresql12-postgresql-syspaths conflicts with postgresql-9.2.24-4.el7_8.x86_64

      Expected results:
      No actions on the Satellite itself for Postgresql or at least nothing that errors out

      Additional info:

      Satellite has:

      1. rpm -qa | grep postgresql-server

      External Postgres system has:

      1. rpm -qa | grep rh-postgresql12-postgresql-evr
      1. foreman-maintain upgrade run --target-version=6.9
        Checking for new version of satellite-maintain...
        Security: kernel-3.10.0-1160.24.1.el7.x86_64 is an installed security update
        Security: kernel-3.10.0-1160.15.2.el7.x86_64 is the currently running version
        Nothing to update, can't find new version of satellite-maintain.
        Running preparation steps required to run the next scenarios
        Check whether system has any non Red Hat repositories (e.g.: EPEL) enabled:
        \ Checking repositories enabled on the system [OK]

      Running Checks before upgrading to Satellite 6.9
      Clean old Kernel and initramfs files from tftp-boot: [OK]
      Check number of fact names in database: [OK]
      Check for verifying syntax for ISP DHCP configurations: [OK]
      Check whether all services are running: [OK]
      Check whether all services are running using the ping call: [OK]
      Check for paused tasks: [OK]
      Check to verify no empty CA cert requests exist: [OK]
      Check whether system is self-registered or not: [OK]
      Check to make sure root partition has enough space: [OK]
      Check to make sure /var/lib/candlepin has enough space: [OK]
      Check to validate candlepin database: [OK]
      Check for running tasks: [OK]
      Check for old tasks in paused/stopped state: [OK]
      Check for pending tasks which are safe to delete: [OK]
      Check for tasks in planning state: [OK]
      Check to verify if any hotfix installed on system:

      • Checking for presence of hotfix(es). It may take some time to verify.

      Found 1 file(s) modified on this system.

          • WARNING: Before update make sure the updated packages contain the listed modifications
          • otherwise these fixes will be lost.
          • It is also recommended to backup the modified files prior update.
            Check whether system has any non Red Hat repositories (e.g.: EPEL) enabled:
            Checking repositories enabled on the system [OK]
            Check if TMOUT environment variable is set: [OK]
            Check if any upstream repositories are enabled on system:
      • Checking for presence of upstream repositories [OK]
        Check for roles that have filters with multiple resources attached: [OK]
        Check for duplicate permissions from database: [OK]
        Check whether reports have correct associations: [OK]
        Check to validate yum configuration before upgrade: [OK]
        Check if checkpoint_segments configuration exists on the system: [OK]
        Validate availability of repositories:
        / Validating availability of repositories for 6.9 [OK]
        Scenario [Checks before upgrading to Satellite 6.9] failed.

      The following steps ended up in warning state:


      The steps in warning state itself might not mean there is an error,
      but it should be reviewed to ensure the behavior is expected

      Continue with [Procedures before migrating to Satellite 6.9], [y(yes), n(no), q(quit)] y
      Running Procedures before migrating to Satellite 6.9 ================================================================================
      disable active sync plans:
      \ Total 2 sync plans are now disabled. [OK]
      Add maintenance_mode chain to iptables: [OK]
      Stop applicable services:

      Stopping the following service(s):
      rh-mongodb34-mongod, postgresql (foreman), postgresql (candlepin), qdrouterd, qpidd, rh-redis5-redis, squid, pulp_celerybeat, pulp_resource_manager, pulp_streamer, pulp_workers, smart_proxy_dynflow_core, tomcat, dynflow-sidekiq@orchestrator, httpd, puppetserver, dynflow-sidekiq@worker, dynflow-sidekiq@worker-hosts-queue, foreman-proxy
      / stopping squid
      postgresql (foreman) is remote and is UP.

      postgresql (candlepin) is remote and is UP.
      \ stopping rh-mongodb34-mongod
      rh-mongodb34-mongod is remote and is UP.

      All services stopped [OK]

      Running preparation steps required to run the next scenarios
      Check if tooling for package locking is installed: [OK]

      Running Migration scripts to Satellite 6.9
      Setup repositories:

      • Configuring repositories for 6.9 [OK]
        Unlock packages: [OK]
        Update package(s) : [OK]
        Procedures::Installer::Upgrade: 2021-04-25 11:27:32 [NOTICE] [root] Loading default values from puppet modules...
        2021-04-25 11:27:39 [NOTICE] [root] ... finished
        2021-04-25 11:27:41 [WARN ] [pre_validations] Skipping system checks.
        2021-04-25 11:27:41 [NOTICE] [root] Running validation checks
        2021-04-25 11:27:44 [WARN ] [pre] Skipping system checks.
        2021-04-25 11:27:44 [WARN ] [pre] Skipping system checks.
        2021-04-25 11:30:01 [NOTICE] [configure] Starting system configuration.
        The total number of configuration tasks may increase during the run.
        Observe logs or specify --verbose-log-level to see individual configuration tasks.
        2021-04-25 11:30:26 [NOTICE] [configure] 100 out of 2368 done.
        2021-04-25 11:30:27 [NOTICE] [configure] 200 out of 2368 done.
        2021-04-25 11:30:27 [NOTICE] [configure] 300 out of 2368 done.
        2021-04-25 11:30:47 [NOTICE] [configure] 400 out of 2368 done.
        2021-04-25 11:31:05 [ERROR ] [configure] Execution of '/bin/yum -d 0 -e 0 -y install rh-postgresql12-postgresql-syspaths' returned 1: Error: rh-postgresql12-postgresql-syspaths conflicts with postgresql-9.2.24-4.el7_8.x86_64
        2021-04-25 11:31:05 [ERROR ] [configure] You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
        2021-04-25 11:31:05 [ERROR ] [configure] You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest
        2021-04-25 11:31:05 [ERROR ] [configure] /Stage[main]/Postgresql::Client/Package[postgresql-client]/ensure: change from 'purged' to 'present' failed: Execution of '/bin/yum -d 0 -e 0 -y install rh-postgresql12-postgresql-syspaths' returned 1: Error: rh-postgresql12-postgresql-syspaths conflicts with postgresql-9.2.24-4.el7_8.x86_64
        2021-04-25 11:31:05 [ERROR ] [configure] You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
        2021-04-25 11:31:05 [ERROR ] [configure] You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest
        2021-04-25 11:31:21 [ERROR ] [configure] Execution of '/bin/yum -d 0 -e 0 -y install rh-postgresql12-postgresql-server-syspaths' returned 1: Error: rh-postgresql12-postgresql-server-syspaths conflicts with postgresql-server-9.2.24-4.el7_8.x86_64
        2021-04-25 11:31:21 [ERROR ] [configure] You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
        2021-04-25 11:31:21 [ERROR ] [configure] You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest
        2021-04-25 11:31:21 [ERROR ] [configure] /Stage[main]/Postgresql::Server::Install/Package[postgresql-server]/ensure: change from 'purged' to 'present' failed: Execution of '/bin/yum -d 0 -e 0 -y install rh-postgresql12-postgresql-server-syspaths' returned 1: Error: rh-postgresql12-postgresql-server-syspaths conflicts with postgresql-server-9.2.24-4.el7_8.x86_64
        2021-04-25 11:31:21 [ERROR ] [configure] You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
        2021-04-25 11:31:21 [ERROR ] [configure] You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest
        2021-04-25 11:31:45 [NOTICE] [configure] 500 out of 2368 done.
        2021-04-25 11:32:12 [NOTICE] [configure] 600 out of 2368 done.
        2021-04-25 11:32:31 [NOTICE] [configure] 700 out of 2368 done.
        2021-04-25 11:32:32 [NOTICE] [configure] 800 out of 2370 done.
        2021-04-25 11:32:32 [NOTICE] [configure] 900 out of 2370 done.
        2021-04-25 11:32:44 [NOTICE] [configure] 1000 out of 2371 done.
        2021-04-25 11:32:46 [NOTICE] [configure] 1100 out of 2379 done.
        2021-04-25 11:32:46 [NOTICE] [configure] 1200 out of 2383 done.
        2021-04-25 11:35:07 [NOTICE] [configure] 1300 out of 2385 done.
        2021-04-25 11:35:07 [NOTICE] [configure] 1400 out of 2388 done.
        2021-04-25 11:35:11 [NOTICE] [configure] 1500 out of 2389 done.
        2021-04-25 11:37:24 [NOTICE] [configure] 1600 out of 2390 done.
        2021-04-25 11:37:24 [NOTICE] [configure] 1700 out of 2391 done.
        2021-04-25 11:48:04 [NOTICE] [configure] 1800 out of 2391 done.
        2021-04-25 11:48:04 [NOTICE] [configure] 1900 out of 2391 done.
        2021-04-25 11:49:06 [NOTICE] [configure] 2000 out of 2665 done.
        2021-04-25 11:49:07 [NOTICE] [configure] 2100 out of 2665 done.
        2021-04-25 11:49:07 [NOTICE] [configure] 2200 out of 2665 done.
        2021-04-25 11:49:09 [NOTICE] [configure] 2300 out of 2934 done.
        2021-04-25 11:49:09 [NOTICE] [configure] 2400 out of 2934 done.
        2021-04-25 11:49:14 [NOTICE] [configure] 2500 out of 3993 done.
        2021-04-25 11:49:14 [NOTICE] [configure] 2600 out of 3993 done.
        2021-04-25 11:49:15 [NOTICE] [configure] 2700 out of 3993 done.
        2021-04-25 11:49:15 [NOTICE] [configure] 2800 out of 3993 done.
        2021-04-25 11:49:15 [NOTICE] [configure] 2900 out of 3993 done.
        2021-04-25 11:49:15 [NOTICE] [configure] 3000 out of 3993 done.
        2021-04-25 11:49:16 [NOTICE] [configure] 3100 out of 3993 done.
        2021-04-25 11:49:16 [NOTICE] [configure] 3200 out of 3993 done.
        2021-04-25 11:49:16 [NOTICE] [configure] 3300 out of 3993 done.
        2021-04-25 11:49:16 [NOTICE] [configure] 3400 out of 3993 done.
        2021-04-25 11:49:17 [NOTICE] [configure] 3500 out of 3993 done.
        2021-04-25 11:49:17 [NOTICE] [configure] 3600 out of 4005 done.
        2021-04-25 11:51:39 [NOTICE] [configure] 3700 out of 4005 done.
        2021-04-25 11:51:40 [NOTICE] [configure] 3800 out of 4005 done.
        2021-04-25 11:51:42 [ERROR ] [configure] /Stage[main]/Pulpcore::Database/Postgresql::Server::Db[pulpcore]/Postgresql::Server::Role[pulp]/Postgresql_psql[CREATE ROLE pulp ENCRYPTED PASSWORD ****]: Could not evaluate: Error evaluating 'unless' clause, returned pid 8905 exit 2: 'psql: could not connect to server: No such file or directory
        2021-04-25 11:51:42 [ERROR ] [configure] Is the server running locally and accepting
        2021-04-25 11:51:42 [ERROR ] [configure] connections on Unix domain socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"?
        2021-04-25 11:51:42 [ERROR ] [configure] '
        2021-04-25 11:51:42 [ERROR ] [configure] /Stage[main]/Pulpcore::Database/Postgresql::Server::Db[pulpcore]/Postgresql::Server::Role[pulp]/Postgresql_psql[CREATE ROLE pulp ENCRYPTED PASSWORD ****]: Failed to call refresh: Error evaluating 'unless' clause, returned pid 8908 exit 2: 'psql: could not connect to server: No such file or directory
        2021-04-25 11:51:42 [ERROR ] [configure] Is the server running locally and accepting
        2021-04-25 11:51:42 [ERROR ] [configure] connections on Unix domain socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"?
        2021-04-25 11:51:42 [ERROR ] [configure] '
        2021-04-25 11:51:42 [ERROR ] [configure] /Stage[main]/Pulpcore::Database/Postgresql::Server::Db[pulpcore]/Postgresql::Server::Role[pulp]/Postgresql_psql[CREATE ROLE pulp ENCRYPTED PASSWORD ****]: Error evaluating 'unless' clause, returned pid 8908 exit 2: 'psql: could not connect to server: No such file or directory
        2021-04-25 11:51:42 [ERROR ] [configure] Is the server running locally and accepting
        2021-04-25 11:51:42 [ERROR ] [configure] connections on Unix domain socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"?
        2021-04-25 11:51:42 [ERROR ] [configure] '
        2021-04-25 11:51:42 [NOTICE] [configure] 3900 out of 4005 done.
        2021-04-25 11:51:42 [NOTICE] [configure] 4000 out of 4005 done.
        2021-04-25 11:51:49 [NOTICE] [configure] System configuration has finished.

      There were errors detected during install.
      Please address the errors and re-run the installer to ensure the system is properly configured.
      Failing to do so is likely to result in broken functionality.

      The full log is at /var/log/foreman-installer/satellite.log
      Package versions are being locked.
      Failed executing LANG=en_US.utf-8 satellite-installer --disable-system-checks, exit status 6
      Scenario [Migration scripts to Satellite 6.9] failed.

      The following steps ended up in failing state:


      Resolve the failed steps and rerun
      the command. In case the failures are false positives,
      use --whitelist="installer-upgrade"

            jira-bugzilla-migration RH Bugzilla Integration
            jira-bugzilla-migration RH Bugzilla Integration
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