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  1. Satellite
  2. SAT-23424

In job execution wizard, target selector's data-ouia-component-id is changing


    • Low
    • No

      Description of problem:
      In a Run Job wizard, when I visit the target tab multiple times, the target selector's (i.e. the field where I select target hosts, target host groups...) data-ouia-component-id is changing. It should remain contant.

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
      Reproduced on Sat stream snap 48.0.

      How reproducible:

      Steps to Reproduce:
      1. WebUI -> Monitor -> Jobs -> Run Job
      2. Go to tab "Target hosts and inputs"
      3. In browser, right click "Filter by hosts" and select Inspect, see it has data-ouia-component-id="OUIA-Generated-Select-typeaheadmulti-1"
      4. Go back to first tab
      5. Go to tab "Target hosts and inputs" again
      6. Repeat 3), now data-ouia-component-id="OUIA-Generated-Select-typeaheadmulti-2"

      Actual results:
      data-ouia-component-id changed

      Expected results:
      data-ouia-component-id should remain constant

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              magaphon@redhat.com Maria Agaphontzev
              lhellebr@redhat.com Lukas Hellebrandt
              Lukas Hellebrandt Lukas Hellebrandt
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue
