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  1. Satellite
  2. SAT-23273

Subscription-manager commands fail with the error 'Module yaml error: Encountered two streams with matching NSVCA'


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 6.15.0
    • 6.14.0
    • Pulp
    • Important
    • No

      Description of problem:

      Subscription-manager or insights-client commands fail with the below error.

      1. subscription-manager repos --list
        Module yaml error: Encountered two streams with matching NSVCA ant:1.10:820181213135032:5ea3b708:x86_64 but differing content
        Module yaml error: Encountered two streams with matching NSVCA scala:2.10:820181213143541:2b79a98f:x86_64 but differing content
        Module yaml error: Encountered two streams with matching NSVCA subversion:1.10:820181215112250:a51370e3:x86_64 but differing content
        Module yaml error: Encountered two streams with matching NSVCA ant:1.10:820181213135032:5ea3b708:x86_64 but differing content
        Module yaml error: Encountered two streams with matching NSVCA scala:2.10:820181213143541:2b79a98f:x86_64 but differing content
        Module yaml error: Encountered two streams with matching NSVCA subversion:1.10:820181215112250:a51370e3:x86_64 but differing content
      1. insights-client
        Unable to fetch egg url https://satellite.example.com:443/redhat_access/r/insights/platform/module-update-router/v1/channel?module=insights-core: 500: Internal Server Error. Defaulting to /release
        Starting to collect Insights data for client.example.com
        Module yaml error: Encountered two streams with matching NSVCA ant:1.10:820181213135032:5ea3b708:x86_64 but differing content
        Module yaml error: Encountered two streams with matching NSVCA scala:2.10:820181213143541:2b79a98f:x86_64 but differing content
        Module yaml error: Encountered two streams with matching NSVCA subversion:1.10:820181215112250:a51370e3:x86_64 but differing content
        Module yaml error: Encountered two streams with matching NSVCA ant:1.10:820181213135032:5ea3b708:x86_64 but differing content

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

      Red Hat Satellite 6.14

      How reproducible:

      We don't have the exact reproducer, but rather some scenarios where this issue occurred.

      1) This occurs on upgraded Satellite 6.14 clients.

      2) After changing the content view to the default organization view, the problem persists (the issue is not CV-specific).

      3) In a few cases, issues arose after updating content views.

      4) While using CCV,.

      Actual results:

      Fails to execute the subscription-manager commands on the hosts after the Satellite 6.14 upgrade.

      Expected results:

      Should be able to run the subscription manager or insights client without any errors.

      Additional info:

      And we have identified the workaround and documented it at https://access.redhat.com/solutions/7048678.

              jira-bugzilla-migration RH Bugzilla Integration
              rhn-support-mkalyat Mithun Kalyat
              RH Bugzilla Integration RH Bugzilla Integration
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