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  1. Satellite
  2. SAT-22350 Request for UEFI Kickstart Provisioning to handle naming convention for VLAN tagged interfaces of the format <parent_device>.<vlan_id> in addition to vlan<vlan_id>
  3. SAT-22478

[6.14.z][QE] Request for UEFI Kickstart Provisioning to handle naming convention for VLAN tagged interfaces of the format <parent_device>.<vlan_id> in addition to vlan<vlan_id>


      +++ This bug was initially created as a clone of Bug #2075358 +++
      Description of problem:
      UEFI kickstart provisioning using Satellite through VLAN tagged interfaces can only handle vlan<vlan_id>. 
      From the documentation:
      Procedure 5:
      "If creating a VLAN, specify ID in the form of eth1.10 in the Device Identifier field. If creating an alias, use ID in the form of eth1:10."
      This works when provisioning host with legacy BIOS but not with EFI. 
      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable): 6.8 and above
      How reproducible:
      Steps to Reproduce:
      1. Kickstart a physical host using a static address from a vlan tagged interface. 
         Navigate to Hosts -> All Hosts -> Select host -> Edit
         Under Interfaces tab, edit the virtual interface and name Device Identifier eth0.123, check Virtual NIC then Attach to: eth0
      2. Download Full host boot disk image and boot host from this boot disk.
      Actual results:
      vlan123 at eth0 interface remains down and has no ip attached. The link itself has come up but the tagged vlan interface remains down. 
      Test example, in the PXEGrub2 entry, it looks like this:
      linux boot/redhat-7-9-rxAfaGWXYZo7-vmlinuz ks=http://test1.example.com:8000/unattended/provision?token=1e3ce613-7c3f-4fff-b833-50e2895adc03\&static=yes  noipv6 net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0 rd.bootif=0 network ksdevice=eth0.123 ks.device=eth0.123 BOOTIF=01-0c-c4-7a-8e-4e-a0 kssendmac ks.sendmac inst.ks.sendmac ip= nameserver= vlan=vlan123:eth0 initrd boot/redhat-7-9-rxAfaGWXYZo7-initrd.img
      Expected results:
      At boot time, vlan123 virtual interface should be up.
      Additional info:
      Updating GRUB2 replacing eth0.123:none with vlan123:none in the parameter "ip="
      brings up the interface but boot disk still fails. Editing "Virtual Interface" in Interfaces tab and change "Device Identifier" from eth0.123 to vlan123 (with Virtual NIC Attach to: eth0)
      then download Full Host boot disk image and boot works.
      Below are known affected provisioning templates (Note: I haven't checked the others) that supports only vlan<vlan_id>. Please add the naming convention <parent_device>.<vlan_id> to work on these template 
      when provisioning UEFI:
      Kickstart default
      Kickstart default PXEGrub2
      --- Additional comment from  on 2023-05-05T02:47:41Z 
      Not sure why this is a future feature because it's clearly a bug. Going to fix it in the upstream
      --- Additional comment from  on 2023-05-05T03:24:33Z 
      Added a pull request: https://github.com/theforeman/foreman/pull/9700
      --- Additional comment from  on 2023-09-19T12:02:02Z 
      Moving this bug to POST for triage into Satellite since the upstream issue https://projects.theforeman.org/issues/36361 has been resolved.
      --- Additional comment from  on 2023-11-09T11:54:20Z 
      Can we add the 6.15 flag here?
      --- Additional comment from  on 2023-11-17T19:27:36Z 
      Hi Leos,
      Since the BZ is ON_QA, can we get the Fixed in Version updated? I moved it to POST because we use the FIxed In Version to Assign a BZ for a potential Snap
      --- Additional comment from  on 2023-11-20T09:04:45Z 
      Hello @lstejska@redhat.com , Could you update the fixed-in version on this BZ as requested by Odilon in comment 5?
      --- Additional comment from  on 2023-11-22T14:00:30Z 
      Tested on Satellite Stream Snap 38.0 
      Version: foreman-3.9.0-0.5.develop.20231115163837git2774da2.el8sat.noarch
      1. Create host with interface as virtual NIC with device identifier, tag and attched_to.
      PXE templates now renders VLAN parameter as "vlan=<parent_device>.<tag>:<parent_device>" for tagged interfaces and provision/kickstart_default templates renders it as  "--interfacename=vlan<vlan_id>" same as previously.

      QE Tracker for https://issues.redhat.com/browse/SAT-22350
      Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2257321

            gtalreja@redhat.com Gaurav Talreja
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