Uploaded image for project: 'Satellite'
  1. Satellite
  2. SAT-22198

Update user permissions/roles that are required for the VMware vCenter user account to provision using Cloud-init and Userdata from Satellite 6.x


    • Sat_docs_1_2024
    • No

      Document URL: 
      Section Number and Name: 
      11.3. Creating a VMware User
      Describe the issue: 
      In the [documentation of VMware privileges]. It is written that VMware users need these privileges:
      All Privileges -> Datastore -> Allocate Space, Browse datastore, Update Virtual Machine files, Low-level file operations
      All Privileges -> Network -> Assign Network
      All Privileges -> Resource -> Assign virtual machine to resource pool
      All Privileges -> Virtual Machine -> Change Config (All)
      All Privileges -> Virtual Machine -> Interaction (All)
      All Privileges -> Virtual Machine -> Edit Inventory (All)
      All Privileges -> Virtual Machine -> Provisioning (All)
      Suggestions for improvement: 
       All Privileges -> Virtual Machine -> Guest Operations (All)  // This permission is missing. After adding the missing permission, now the satellite can provision new hosts with cloud-init customization.
      Additional information: 
      This BZ is applicable for all the versions of the satellite, so update the provision doc for all the supported version of the satellite.

            lena-sat Lena Ansorgová (Inactive)
            jira-bugzilla-migration RH Bugzilla Integration
            RH Bugzilla Integration RH Bugzilla Integration
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