
    • Automated

      Description of problem:
      When a host is registered, its Owner is not set to the admin that generated the registration command. It stays set to a hidden API user, Owner is displayed as Anonymous Admin.

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
      Reproduced in Sat Stream (6.15) and 6.14.0

      How reproducible:

      Steps to Reproduce:
      1. On a Satellite, have a manifest and RHEL + Client repos synced and an AK
      2. In WebUI, got to Hosts -> Register
      3. Set insecure, select the AK
      4. Generate
      5. On the host, run the generated command
      6. In Hosts -> All hosts, see the Owner column

      Actual results:
      The host is registered and everything works well but the Owner is set to Anonymous Admin:

      1. hammer host info --name <FQDN> | grep -i owner
        Owner: Anonymous Admin
        Owner Id: 1
        Owner Type: User

      Expected results:
      I think the user who actually ran the registration process should be set as owner.

              rh-ee-nalfassi Nofar Alfassi
              rh-ee-nalfassi Nofar Alfassi
              RH Bugzilla Integration RH Bugzilla Integration
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