Uploaded image for project: 'Satellite'
  1. Satellite
  2. SAT-22123

The "hammer discovery provision" command reboots the system even if "--build true" has not been passed


    • Moderate
    • No

      Description of problem:

      After discovering a system using iPXE, The execution of "hammer discovery provision" command against that discovered profile will reboot the system even if we haven't set the "build" option to true

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

      Tested in Satellite 6.13 latest snap


      How reproducible:

      Steps to Reproduce:
      1. Setup a Satellite 6.13 for iPXE based Discovery ( in libvirt )
      2. Setup related subnet\domains\hostgroups\repositories etc as needed.
      3. Discover a blank system and wait for it to get discovered
      4. Use hammer command to provision that deployed system with and without "--build true"

      Actual results:

      ON Step 4:,

      With "--build true" system reboots and completes the build just fine.

      Without "--build true" The system still reboots ( unexpectedly ) and fails to build ( as expected ).

      1. hammer discovery provision --name mac525400fea371 --hostgroup-id 1 --organization-id 1 --location-id 2 --new-name rhel79 --subnet-id 1 --pxe-loader 'iPXE Embedded'
        Host created
      1. hammer host info --name rhel79.lab.example.com | grep "Build Status:"
        Build Status: Installed


      ==> /var/log/foreman/production.log <==
      2023-02-17T22:38:30 [I|app|4b5ce814] Started PUT "/api/v2/discovered_hosts/7" for at 2023-02-17 22:38:30 +0530
      2023-02-17T22:38:30 [I|app|4b5ce814] Processing by Api::V2::DiscoveredHostsController#update as JSON
      2023-02-17T22:38:30 [I|app|4b5ce814] Parameters: {"location_id"=>2, "organization_id"=>1, "discovered_host"=>{"name"=>"rhel79", "subnet_id"=>1, "hostgroup_id"=>1, "pxe_loader"=>"iPXE Embedded", "host_parameters_attributes"=>{}}, "apiv"=>"v2", "id"=>"7"}
      2023-02-17T22:38:30 [I|app|4b5ce814] Authorized user admin(Admin User)

      ==> /var/log/foreman-proxy/proxy.log <==
      2023-02-17T22:38:30 4b5ce814 [I] Started GET /tftp/serverName
      2023-02-17T22:38:30 4b5ce814 [I] Finished GET /tftp/serverName with 200 (0.8 ms)
      2023-02-17T22:38:31 4b5ce814 [I] Started GET /tftp/serverName
      2023-02-17T22:38:31 4b5ce814 [I] Finished GET /tftp/serverName with 200 (0.85 ms)

      ==> /var/log/messages <==
      Feb 17 22:38:30 satellite613 smart-proxy[12516]: - - [17/Feb/2023:22:38:30 IST] "GET /tftp/serverName HTTP/1.1" 200 45
      Feb 17 22:38:30 satellite613 smart-proxy[12516]: - -> /tftp/serverName
      Feb 17 22:38:31 satellite613 smart-proxy[12516]: - - [17/Feb/2023:22:38:31 IST] "GET /tftp/serverName HTTP/1.1" 200 45
      Feb 17 22:38:31 satellite613 smart-proxy[12516]: - -> /tftp/serverName

      ==> /var/log/foreman-proxy/proxy.log <==
      2023-02-17T22:38:31 4b5ce814 [I] Started GET /dhcp/
      2023-02-17T22:38:31 4b5ce814 [I] Finished GET /dhcp/ with 200 (1.85 ms)
      2023-02-17T22:38:31 4b5ce814 [I] Started GET /dhcp/
      2023-02-17T22:38:31 4b5ce814 [I] Finished GET /dhcp/ with 200 (0.76 ms)

      ==> /var/log/messages <==
      Feb 17 22:38:31 satellite613 smart-proxy[12516]: - - [17/Feb/2023:22:38:31 IST] "GET /dhcp/ HTTP/1.1" 200 332
      Feb 17 22:38:31 satellite613 smart-proxy[12516]: - -> /dhcp/
      Feb 17 22:38:31 satellite613 smart-proxy[12516]: - - [17/Feb/2023:22:38:31 IST] "GET /dhcp/ HTTP/1.1" 200 334
      Feb 17 22:38:31 satellite613 smart-proxy[12516]: - -> /dhcp/

      ==> /var/log/foreman/production.log <==
      2023-02-17T22:38:31 [I|app|4b5ce814] Create DHCP reservation rhel79.lab.example.com for rhel79.lab.example.com-52:54:00:fe:a3:71/

      ==> /var/log/foreman-proxy/proxy.log <==
      2023-02-17T22:38:31 4b5ce814 [I] Started POST /dhcp/
      2023-02-17T22:38:31 4b5ce814 [I] Next-server option not IPv4, trying to resolve 'satellite613.lab.example.com'
      2023-02-17T22:38:31 4b5ce814 [I] Finished POST /dhcp/ with 200 (24.55 ms)

      ==> /var/log/foreman/production.log <==
      2023-02-17T22:38:31 [I|app|4b5ce814] Add DNS A record for rhel79.lab.example.com/

      ==> /var/log/foreman-proxy/proxy.log <==
      2023-02-17T22:38:31 4b5ce814 [I] Started POST /dns/
      2023-02-17T22:38:31 4b5ce814 [I] Finished POST /dns/ with 200 (14.63 ms)

      ==> /var/log/foreman/production.log <==
      2023-02-17T22:38:31 [I|app|4b5ce814] Add DNS PTR record for

      ==> /var/log/foreman-proxy/proxy.log <==
      2023-02-17T22:38:31 4b5ce814 [I] Started POST /dns/
      2023-02-17T22:38:31 4b5ce814 [I] Finished POST /dns/ with 200 (13.63 ms)

      ==> /var/log/foreman/production.log <==
      2023-02-17T22:38:31 [I|app|4b5ce814] Deploying TFTP PXELinux configuration for rhel79.lab.example.com

      ==> /var/log/foreman-proxy/proxy.log <==
      2023-02-17T22:38:31 4b5ce814 [I] Started POST /tftp/PXELinux/52:54:00:fe:a3:71
      2023-02-17T22:38:31 4b5ce814 [I] Finished POST /tftp/PXELinux/52:54:00:fe:a3:71 with 200 (0.81 ms)

      ==> /var/log/foreman/production.log <==
      2023-02-17T22:38:31 [I|app|4b5ce814] Deploying TFTP PXEGrub2 configuration for rhel79.lab.example.com

      ==> /var/log/foreman-proxy/proxy.log <==
      2023-02-17T22:38:31 4b5ce814 [I] Started POST /tftp/PXEGrub2/52:54:00:fe:a3:71
      2023-02-17T22:38:31 4b5ce814 [I] Finished POST /tftp/PXEGrub2/52:54:00:fe:a3:71 with 200 (1.96 ms)

      ==> /var/log/messages <==
      Feb 17 22:38:31 satellite613 smart-proxy[12516]: - - [17/Feb/2023:22:38:31 IST] "POST /dhcp/ HTTP/1.1" 200 0
      Feb 17 22:38:31 satellite613 smart-proxy[12516]: - -> /dhcp/
      Feb 17 22:38:31 satellite613 named[992]: client @0x7f377c0a1b90 rndc-key: updating zone 'lab.example.com/IN': adding an RR at 'rhel79.lab.example.com' A
      Feb 17 22:38:31 satellite613 smart-proxy[12516]: - - [17/Feb/2023:22:38:31 IST] "POST /dns/ HTTP/1.1" 200 0
      Feb 17 22:38:31 satellite613 smart-proxy[12516]: - -> /dns/
      Feb 17 22:38:31 satellite613 named[992]: client @0x7f377c0a1b90 rndc-key: updating zone '124.168.192.in-addr.arpa/IN': adding an RR at '' PTR rhel79.lab.example.com.
      Feb 17 22:38:31 satellite613 smart-proxy[12516]: - - [17/Feb/2023:22:38:31 IST] "POST /dns/ HTTP/1.1" 200 0
      Feb 17 22:38:31 satellite613 smart-proxy[12516]: - -> /dns/
      Feb 17 22:38:31 satellite613 smart-proxy[12516]: - - [17/Feb/2023:22:38:31 IST] "POST /tftp/PXELinux/52:54:00:fe:a3:71 HTTP/1.1" 200 0
      Feb 17 22:38:31 satellite613 smart-proxy[12516]: - -> /tftp/PXELinux/52:54:00:fe:a3:71
      Feb 17 22:38:31 satellite613 smart-proxy[12516]: - - [17/Feb/2023:22:38:31 IST] "POST /tftp/PXEGrub2/52:54:00:fe:a3:71 HTTP/1.1" 200 0
      Feb 17 22:38:31 satellite613 smart-proxy[12516]: - -> /tftp/PXEGrub2/52:54:00:fe:a3:71

      ==> /var/log/foreman/production.log <==
      2023-02-17T22:38:31 [I|app|4b5ce814] Deploying TFTP PXEGrub configuration for rhel79.lab.example.com

      ==> /var/log/foreman-proxy/proxy.log <==
      2023-02-17T22:38:31 4b5ce814 [I] Started POST /tftp/PXEGrub/52:54:00:fe:a3:71
      2023-02-17T22:38:31 4b5ce814 [I] Finished POST /tftp/PXEGrub/52:54:00:fe:a3:71 with 200 (1.25 ms)

      ==> /var/log/foreman/production.log <==
      2023-02-17T22:38:31 [I|app|4b5ce814] Deploying TFTP iPXE configuration for rhel79.lab.example.com

      ==> /var/log/foreman-proxy/proxy.log <==
      2023-02-17T22:38:31 4b5ce814 [I] Started POST /tftp/iPXE/52:54:00:fe:a3:71
      2023-02-17T22:38:31 4b5ce814 [I] Finished POST /tftp/iPXE/52:54:00:fe:a3:71 with 200 (1.11 ms)

      ==> /var/log/foreman/production.log <==
      2023-02-17T22:38:31 [I|app|4b5ce814] Processed 7 tasks from queue 'Host::Managed Main', completed 7/7
      2023-02-17T22:38:31 [I|aud|4b5ce814] Host::Base (7) update event on name mac525400fea371, rhel79.lab.example.com
      2023-02-17T22:38:31 [I|aud|4b5ce814] Host::Base (7) update event on architecture_id , 1
      2023-02-17T22:38:31 [I|aud|4b5ce814] Host::Base (7) update event on operatingsystem_id , 2
      2023-02-17T22:38:31 [I|aud|4b5ce814] Host::Base (7) update event on ptable_id , 138
      2023-02-17T22:38:31 [I|aud|4b5ce814] Host::Base (7) update event on hostgroup_id , 1
      2023-02-17T22:38:31 [I|aud|4b5ce814] Host::Base (7) update event on managed false, true
      2023-02-17T22:38:31 [I|aud|4b5ce814] Host::Base (7) update event on grub_pass ,
      2023-02-17T22:38:31 [I|aud|4b5ce814] Host::Base (7) update event on openscap_proxy_id , 1
      2023-02-17T22:38:31 [I|aud|4b5ce814] Host::Base (7) update event on pxe_loader , iPXE Embedded
      2023-02-17T22:38:31 [I|aud|4b5ce814] Nic::Managed (7) update event on name mac525400fea371, rhel79.lab.example.com
      2023-02-17T22:38:31 [I|aud|4b5ce814] Nic::Managed (7) update event on subnet_id 2, 1
      2023-02-17T22:38:31 [I|aud|4b5ce814] Nic::Managed (7) update event on domain_id , 1
      2023-02-17T22:38:31 [I|aud|4b5ce814] Katello::Host::ContentFacet (6) create event on host_id 7
      2023-02-17T22:38:31 [I|aud|4b5ce814] Katello::Host::ContentFacet (6) create event on uuid
      2023-02-17T22:38:31 [I|aud|4b5ce814] Katello::Host::ContentFacet (6) create event on content_view_id 2
      2023-02-17T22:38:31 [I|aud|4b5ce814] Katello::Host::ContentFacet (6) create event on lifecycle_environment_id 1
      2023-02-17T22:38:31 [I|aud|4b5ce814] Katello::Host::ContentFacet (6) create event on kickstart_repository_id 14
      2023-02-17T22:38:31 [I|aud|4b5ce814] Katello::Host::ContentFacet (6) create event on content_source_id 1
      2023-02-17T22:38:31 [I|aud|4b5ce814] Katello::Host::ContentFacet (6) create event on installable_security_errata_count 0
      2023-02-17T22:38:31 [I|aud|4b5ce814] Katello::Host::ContentFacet (6) create event on installable_enhancement_errata_count 0
      2023-02-17T22:38:31 [I|aud|4b5ce814] Katello::Host::ContentFacet (6) create event on installable_bugfix_errata_count 0
      2023-02-17T22:38:31 [I|aud|4b5ce814] Katello::Host::ContentFacet (6) create event on applicable_rpm_count 0
      2023-02-17T22:38:31 [I|aud|4b5ce814] Katello::Host::ContentFacet (6) create event on upgradable_rpm_count 0
      2023-02-17T22:38:31 [I|aud|4b5ce814] Katello::Host::ContentFacet (6) create event on applicable_module_stream_count 0
      2023-02-17T22:38:31 [I|aud|4b5ce814] Katello::Host::ContentFacet (6) create event on upgradable_module_stream_count 0
      2023-02-17T22:38:31 [I|aud|4b5ce814] Katello::Host::ContentFacet (6) create event on applicable_deb_count 0
      2023-02-17T22:38:31 [I|aud|4b5ce814] Katello::Host::ContentFacet (6) create event on upgradable_deb_count 0

      ==> /var/log/foreman-proxy/proxy.log <==
      2023-02-17T22:38:31 e04a2b18 [I] Started PUT /discovery/
      2023-02-17T22:38:31 e04a2b18 [I] Finished PUT /discovery/ with 200 (51.84 ms)

      ==> /var/log/messages <==
      Feb 17 22:38:31 satellite613 smart-proxy[12516]: - - [17/Feb/2023:22:38:31 IST] "POST /tftp/PXEGrub/52:54:00:fe:a3:71 HTTP/1.1" 200 0
      Feb 17 22:38:31 satellite613 smart-proxy[12516]: - -> /tftp/PXEGrub/52:54:00:fe:a3:71
      Feb 17 22:38:31 satellite613 smart-proxy[12516]: - - [17/Feb/2023:22:38:31 IST] "POST /tftp/iPXE/52:54:00:fe:a3:71 HTTP/1.1" 200 0
      Feb 17 22:38:31 satellite613 smart-proxy[12516]: - -> /tftp/iPXE/52:54:00:fe:a3:71
      Feb 17 22:38:31 satellite613 smart-proxy[12516]: - - [17/Feb/2023:22:38:31 IST] "PUT /discovery/ HTTP/1.1" 200 15
      Feb 17 22:38:31 satellite613 smart-proxy[12516]: - -> /discovery/

      ==> /var/log/foreman/production.log <==
      2023-02-17T22:38:31 [I|app|4b5ce814] Processed 1 tasks from queue 'Host::Managed Post', completed 1/1
      2023-02-17T22:38:31 [I|app|4b5ce814] ForemanWebhooks::EventSubscriber: host_updated.event.foreman event received
      2023-02-17T22:38:31 [I|app|4b5ce814] Rendered /usr/share/gems/gems/foreman_discovery-22.0.2/app/views/api/v2/discovered_hosts/update.json.rabl (Duration: 5.0ms | Allocations: 6588)
      2023-02-17T22:38:31 [I|app|4b5ce814] Completed 200 OK in 1305ms (Views: 5.7ms | ActiveRecord: 68.1ms | Allocations: 200976)

      ==> /var/log/httpd/foreman-ssl_access_ssl.log <== - - [17/Feb/2023:22:38:30 +0530] "PUT /api/v2/discovered_hosts/7 HTTP/1.1" 200 40 "-" "rest-client/2.1.0 (linux x86_64) ruby/2.7.6p219"

      Expected results:

      The system should not reboot if "--build true" has not been passed or it should be marked as a mandatory option to be passed.

      Additional info:

            jira-bugzilla-migration RH Bugzilla Integration
            rhn-support-saydas Sayan Das
            Shweta Singh Shweta Singh
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
