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  1. Satellite
  2. SAT-22122

Host reboots instead of kexec while using pxe discovery


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      Description of problem:

      Host reboots instead of kexec while using pxe discovery

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

      Satellite 6.11.4
      Provisioning OS - RHEL 8.7

      How reproducible:


      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. Boot a system with PXE discovery
      2. Once system boots into discovery it will start a countdown of 45 seconds to automatically configure all interfaces via DHCP or will ask to interrupt by pressing any key. Attached count down image for reference.
      3. Don't interrupt and let it automatically send the facts to Satellite.
      4. Once you get the success message, go to Satellite server and provision the host from discovered hosts page.

      WebUI >> Hosts >> Discovered Hosts >> Click on provision for discovered host, fill the details and click on "Create Host"

      5. Now host will reboot instead of starting the provisioning.

      Actual results:

      Host is not getting provisioned and restarting during the kexec.

      Expected results:

      Host should be provisioned instead of reboot after submitting the provisioning details from WebUI.

      Additional info:

      => If we interrupt the host at the 3rd step and in the next screen choose "Discover with DHCP" and then provide the Satellite details. Host will be discovered on WebUI.

      => This time trying to provision the host will successfully start the provisioning.

      WebUI >> Hosts >> Discovered Hosts >> Click on provision for discovered host, fill the details and click on "Create Host".

      => Now host would not reboot and provisioning will start successfully.

            jira-bugzilla-migration RH Bugzilla Integration
            rhn-support-karnsing Karnvir Singh
            RH Bugzilla Integration RH Bugzilla Integration
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