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  1. Satellite
  2. SAT-21756

Progress bar for WebUI task page and hammer should not show 100% until task is Stopped/{success/warning/error}


    • Moderate
    • No

      Description of problem:
      When viewing a task status from the WebUI or hammer command several tasks can show 100% and still be running on the very last dynflow sub-task. This RFE is to set the status percentage to 99% while still running any part of the task and only show 100% once the task has reached a status of Stopped with any result.

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

      How reproducible:
      Every time

      Steps to Reproduce:
      1. Create a task to validate content for a repository
      2. While the task is running the last portion of the task "Actions::Pulp3::Repository::Repair" the progress bar on both WebUI and hammer show 100% with a state of "running"

      Actual results:
      For the majority of the task, the status shows 100%. At this point, I believe it's understood by most/all users that the progress bar isn't completely accurate as to how much longer a task has to be completed. However, this RFE is to ensure that the task progress doesn't show 100% while still running.

      Example output:
      11:16:12 [root@cdvra98a0606 ~]# hammer task progres --id 134fd1fa-9414-4181-90d0-477bfe2b99ab
      [...................................................................................................................................................................] [100%][...................................................................................................................................................................] [100%]
      Total steps: 19933/19933
      Identify corrupted units: 0/0
      Identify missing units: 19933/19933
      Repair corrupted units: 0/0

      11:16:47 [root@cdvra98a0606 ~]# hammer task info --id 134fd1fa-9414-4181-90d0-477bfe2b99ab
      ID: 134fd1fa-9414-4181-90d0-477bfe2b99ab
      Action: Synchronize repository

      {"text"=>"repository 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 for x86_64 - AppStream RPMs 8'", "link"=>nil} product {"text"=>"product 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux for x86_64'", "link"=>"/products/10/"} organization {"text"=>"organization 'Default_Organization'", "link"=>"/organizations/1/edit"}
      State: running
      Result: pending
      Started at: 2023/12/06 16:05:56
      Ended at:
      Duration: 663.431262
      Owner: Default_Organization
      Task errors:

      11:17:00 [root@cdvra98a0606 ~]# hammer task info --id 134fd1fa-9414-4181-90d0-477bfe2b99ab
      ID: 134fd1fa-9414-4181-90d0-477bfe2b99ab
      Action: Synchronize repository {"text"=>"repository 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 for x86_64 - AppStream RPMs 8'", "link"=>nil}


      {"text"=>"product 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux for x86_64'", "link"=>"/products/10/"}


      {"text"=>"organization 'Default_Organization'", "link"=>"/organizations/1/edit"}

      State: stopped
      Result: success
      Started at: 2023/12/06 16:05:56
      Ended at: 2023/12/06 16:18:06
      Duration: 729.950943
      Owner: Default_Organization
      Task errors:

      • See screenshot for WebUI example
        Expected results:
        The progress bar should stop at 99% while running and only show 100% when state = stopped.

      Additional info:

            jira-bugzilla-migration RH Bugzilla Integration
            rhn-support-tasander Taft Sanders
            RH Bugzilla Integration RH Bugzilla Integration
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
