Uploaded image for project: 'Satellite'
  1. Satellite
  2. SAT-21267

Upgrades should clear /var/lib/foreman-maintain/data.yml file as a last step based on satellite-maintain upgrade run result


    • Moderate

      Description of problem:
      Several cases of false ongoing upgrades have been reported from satellite-maintain when trying to upgrade to the next version.

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
      Satellite 6.14

      How reproducible:
      There are no known reproducing steps. Seems to be very random.

      Steps to Reproduce:

      Actual results:

      • Can't set target version 6.X, 6.Y already in progress

      Expected results:
      As a last step in a successful upgrade process, this file should be cleared of conflicting content that would cause the update of the rubygem-foreman_maintain package to fail.

      Additional info:
      I propose that if the last upgrade attempt was unsuccessful that would populate this file with conflicting data to prevent the update of rubygem-foreman_maintain, that the next version of Satellite not be visible to the user. This should also tell the user the reason the last upgrade was reported as a failure, and tell them to run the upgrade again with the current version of Satellite (6.X or 6.X.z).

      This would allow customers to understand why they are unable to upgrade to the next version or even see the next version without having to open a case with support and know what KCS to search for to self-solve.

      Currently on Satellite 6.12 and the last upgrade failed due to enabling a sync plan:

      1. cat /var/lib/foreman-maintain/data.yml

        upgrade_6.3.z: {}
        :upgrade_target_version: '6.12'
      • 1
        :disabled: []
        upgrade_6.4: {}
        upgrade_6.4.z: {}
        upgrade_6.5: {}
        upgrade_6.5.z: {}
        upgrade_6.6: {}
        upgrade_6.6.z: {}
        upgrade_6.7: {}
        upgrade_6.7.z: {}
        upgrade_6.8: {}
        upgrade_6.9: {}
        upgrade_6.9.z: {}
        upgrade_6.10: {}
        upgrade_6.11: {}
        upgrade_6.11.z: {}
        :phase: :post_migrations
        :label: :satellite_6_12_pre_upgrade_check
      • :label: :sync_plans_enable
        :param_values: {}
        :status: :fail
        :output: |-
        Could not update the sync plan:
        ERF28-1357 [ForemanTasks::RecurringLogicCancelledException]: Cannot update a cancelled Recurring Logic.

            jira-bugzilla-migration RH Bugzilla Integration
            rhn-support-tasander Taft Sanders
            RH Bugzilla Integration RH Bugzilla Integration
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