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  1. Satellite
  2. SAT-20385

Ansible variable override behaves differently with default Remote Execution User role


    • Sat_docs_3_2024, Sat_docs_4_2024, Sat_docs_5_2024
    • Moderate

      Description of problem:
      Ansible variable override behaves differently with default Remote Execution User role when compared with the admin user

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
      Satellite 6.13

      How reproducible:

      Steps to Reproduce:
      1. Create a dummy ansible role and import into Satellite

      1. cd /etc/ansible/roles
      2. ansible-galaxy init demo
      3. vi demo/defaults/main.yml

        message: 'Default Value'
      1. vi demo/tasks/main.yml
      • name: Copy file
        dest: /root/file.txt
        content: "{{ message }}"

      2. Over-ride the ansible variable for a hostname client.example.com to something else

      Configure > Variables > click on the "message" variable > click on "Override" checkbox > Add matcher > attribute type : FQDN = client.example.com and specify a over-ride value "Override Value"

      3. Create a rexuser and associate it with the "Remote Execution User"

      4. Now login with the "rexuser" and run the Ansible role, the message value should match with the over-ride, however the value is set to the default value.

      Actual results:
      Override behaves differently with default REX role and admin roles

      Expected results:
      Why these additional permissions are required when a matcher is set, if its required the default REX User role should be modified accordingly

      Additional info:

      When you add additional permission filter as below

      Ansible Role: "view_ansible_roles"
      Ansible Variable: "view_ansible_variable"
      Parameter: "view_params"

      After adding this the variables are correctly over-ride as per matchers.

            rhn-support-alazik Adam Lazik
            jira-bugzilla-migration RH Bugzilla Integration
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