Resolution: Done
Phoenix - Content
Sprint 123, Sprint 124, Sprint 125, Sprint 126, Sprint 127, Sprint 128, Sprint 129, Sprint 130, Sprint 131, Sprint 132
Description of problem:
Tracer job fails with the following error when executed via remote execution using an effective user other than root
/var/tmp/foreman-ssh-cmd-77db4879-1eff-4a61-a071-8d5207db0e6d/script: line 2: katello-tracer-upload: command not found
Exit status: 127
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
Satellite 6.8.3
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Setup the remote execution using the following document for a non-root user.
2. Go to administer > Settings > Remote execution > Change Effective user to non-root user configured in step 1.
3. Update a few packages on the client connected to the satellite.
4. Now go the host > Content Host > open the host on which packages are updated > Traces > Select service which needs restart > Restart Selected
5. The job will fail with the error command not found.
Actual results:
The job fails with the following error.
/var/tmp/foreman-ssh-cmd-77db4879-1eff-4a61-a071-8d5207db0e6d/script: line 2: katello-tracer-upload: command not found
Exit status: 127
Expected results:
The job should complete with the exit status 0.
Additional info:
The reason for failure when the effective user is other than the root is the binary location of the katello-tracer-upload command which is /usr/sbin. To execute any binary from /sbin or /usr/sbin, root privileges are required.
Solution 1 -
- Change the location of binary to /usr/bin so that any user with access privileges can execute it.
Solution 2-
- When we try to restart the service using traces, it runs the following commands.
sudo systemctl restart chronyd
- As you can see, the katello-tracer-upload is executing without sudo but the restart service is running with the sudo privileges.
- If we make the katello-tracer-upload command run with sudo, then any non-root user can run it. This is easily achievable by simply editing the "Restart Services - Katello SSH Default" template. I managed to work around the issue by editing the template as follows.
commands = input(:helper).split(',').map { |split| split.strip }reboot = commands.delete('reboot')
<%= commands.join("\n") %>
sudo katello-tracer-upload
<% if reboot -%>
<%= render_template('Power Action - SSH Default', action: 'restart') %>
<% end %>
~~~ - Just added the sudo in line number 6. This will work with root user also but not sure whether this acceptable approach or not.