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  1. Satellite
  2. SAT-20138

Selected organization check mark covers name in the UI


    • Low
    • None

      Description of problem:

      When users have Organizations with long names, the check mark showing which organization is selected covers the name and is rather hard to read

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable): 6.14.0

      How reproducible: 100%

      Steps to Reproduce:
      1.Create an Organization with a long name
      2.On UI, click the Organization drop down and select org with long name
      3.Notice the check mark showing which Organization is selected is covering the name

      Actual results:

      The check mark showing which Organization is selected is covering the name

      Expected results:

      The check mark should not be covering the name of the Organization

      Additional info:

      My opinion is to move the check mark to be on the left side of the Organization name so it never gets covered

            jira-bugzilla-migration RH Bugzilla Integration
            chiggins@redhat.com Cole Higgins
            RH Bugzilla Integration RH Bugzilla Integration
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
