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  1. Satellite
  2. SAT-19268

Repositories cannot be deleted even if the "Allow deleting repositories in published content views" setting is set to "yes"


    • 0
    • False
    • Hide


    • False
    • CLOSED
    • 400
    • Phoenix
    • Sprint 126, Sprint 127, Sprint 128, Sprint 129
    • Low
    • None

      Description of problem:

      Deleting a repository fails with below error when the repository is already present in the published version of content view and "Allow deleting repositories in published content views" setting is set to "yes".

      Repository Red Hat Satellite Client 6 for RHEL 9 x86_64 RPMs cannot be deleted since it has already been included in a published Content View.

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable): Satellite-6.14

      How reproducible: Always

      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. Install Satellite-6.14 and ensure subscription manifest is imported.

      2. Enable any repository after navigating to Satellite WebUI -> Content -> Repositories page. (Say: Red Hat Satellite Client 6 for RHEL 9 x86_64 RPMs)

      3. Synchronize the above enabled repository after navigating to Satellite WebUI -> Content -> Sync Status page.

      4. Create a new content view and add the above enabled/synced repository to the content view. Publish a new version of content view.

      5. Navigate to Satellite WebUI -> Administer -> Settings -> Content -> set "Allow deleting repositories in published content views" to "yes".

      6. Navigate to Satellite WebUI -> Products -> product_name -> Repositories -> Checkbox the repository to be deleted -> Remove Repositories.


      Satellite WebUI -> Content -> Red Hat Repositories page and then attempt to disable the repository.

      Actual results: Repository fails to delete/disable with below error.
      Repository Red Hat Satellite Client 6 for RHEL 9 x86_64 RPMs cannot be deleted since it has already been included in a published Content View.

      Expected results: The repository should get deleted successfully since "Allow deleting repositories in published content views" setting is set to "yes"

      Additional info:

      The repository can be deleted after going to Repository Details page ("Satellite WebUI -> Products -> product_name -> Repositories -> repository_name -> Select Action -> Remove Repository").

      (ii) It should be allowed to delete the repository from "Satellite WebUI -> Products -> product_name -> Repositories" page.

      (iii) It should also be allowed to disable the repository from Satellite WebUI -> Content -> Red Hat Repositories page.

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            jira-bugzilla-migration RH Bugzilla Integration
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