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  1. Satellite
  2. SAT-19139

Re-running apply errata remote execution task fails with error Validation failed: Template install errata - katello script default:.


    • Moderate

      Description of problem:

      If apply errata task fails for some reason. After fixing the problem, click on the 'Rerun' button. After selecting the exact same and correct options when clicking 'Submit', it is failing with the below error on the top right corner.

      "Validation failed: Template install errata by search query - katello script default: Input pre script: Value can't be blank, Input refresh subscription: Value can't be blank, Value is not included in the list, Input options: Value can't be blank, Input post script: Value can't be blank"

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):


      How reproducible:


      Steps to Reproduce:
      1. Follow the below step and try to apply errata on a registered host.

      Satellite WEB UI -> Hosts -> Content Hosts -> Click on the name -> Click on the Errata tab -> Select an errata -> Apply via Remote execution -> If it fails or passes.

      2. Click on the 'rerun' button -> It'll ask you tore-check the options that were selected before -> Without changing anything, click on 'Submit' -> you'll see the below error.

      "Validation failed: Template install errata - katello script default: Input pre script: Value can't be blank, Input refresh subscription: Value can't be blank, Value is not included in the list, Input options: Value can't be blank, Input post script: Value can't be blank"

      Actual results:

      It fails with an error.

      Expected results:

      It should run if it fails. Even if the errata is already applied still it should run and give message "'Nothing to do' Complete!"

      Additional info:

      1. I tested it on 2 satellite 6.14 machines.

      2. I tested the same on satellite 6.12, and it is working as expected.

      3. I tested it with other katello options, and it is working fine.

      4. Even I manually ran the command following the below step without selecting any 'pre script'. Only this re-run option is not working.

            aruzicka@redhat.com Adam Ruzicka
            jira-bugzilla-migration RH Bugzilla Integration
            Peter Ondrejka Peter Ondrejka
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
