Resolution: Unresolved
Description of problem:
- OpenSCAP Report not uploaded from proxy to Foreman server, cause: Failed to upload to Foreman, saving in spool. Failed with: Net::ReadTimeout
DEBUG: running: /usr/bin/env bzip2 /tmp/d20201102-8784-ewp9ha/results.xml
Uploading results to https://[SATELLITE]:9090/compliance/arf/1
Report not uploaded from proxy to Foreman server, cause: Failed to upload to Foreman, saving in spool. Failed with: Net::ReadTimeout
- And then a heavy CPU load is happening with the following :
13543 postgres 20 0 8853256 217464 209396 R 88.1 0.3 0:38.98 postgres: foreman foreman [local] SELECT
- Per customer comment :
The process worked fine on 6.7.1 and the issue started after upgrade to 6.7.4 and was not solved by updating to 6.7.5
- If we remove the logs on PostgreSQL then it working sometimes then the issue starts again .
- PostgreSQL tables sizes :
- su - postgres -c "psql foreman -c \"select to_char(count
, 'FM9,999,999,999') as logscount from logs;\""
(1 row)
- su - postgres -c "psql foreman -c \"select to_char(count
, 'FM9,999,999,999') as reportscount from reports;\""
(1 row)
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
Red Hat Satellite 6.7.5
How reproducible:
Fairly often in the customer's environment. Unable to reproduce locally.
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Run OpenSCAP scan on the satellite clients :
- /usr/bin/foreman_scap_client 1
Actual results:
The OpenSCAP report upload failed with the folling message :
Report not uploaded from proxy to Foreman server, cause: Failed to upload to Foreman, saving in spool. Failed with: Net::ReadTimeout
Expected results:
No error.
- is duplicated by
SAT-18334 openSCAP scan failed with error Upload failed: Net::ReadTimeout
- Closed