Uploaded image for project: 'Satellite'
  1. Satellite
  2. SAT-18008

Hammer host update command return status 70, Internal server error


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Normal Normal
    • None
    • 6.14.0
    • Hosts - Content
    • Sprint 117, Sprint 118, Sprint 119
    • Moderate

      Description of problem:
      When trying to undate the host with hammer CLI return Internal Server Error: the server was unable to finish the request, host update finished with status 70, Could not update the host.
      It was working in 6.13.z

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
      Stream / Satellite 6.14.0

      How reproducible:

      Steps to Reproduce:
      1. Create a valid scap content
      2. Import Ansible role theforeman.foreman_scap_client
      3. Import Ansible Variables needed for the role
      4. Create a scap policy with anisble as deploy option
      5. Associate the policy with a hostgroup
      6. Provision a host using the hostgroup
      7. Configure REX and associate the Ansible role to created host, use the hammer update command (given in additional info)
      8. Play roles for the host

      Actual results:
      hammer host update command failed

      Expected results:
      hammer host update command should pass

      Additional info:
      Hammer CLI command:

      1. hammer -v -u admin -p changeme --output=csv host update --name="ip-fqdn.redhat.com" --lifecycle-environment="urzXBujvWt" --content-view="WzBKliTpuX" --hostgroup="SFWzWDhtNG" --openscap-proxy-id="1" --organization="sZWBzlmbVQlV" --ansible-role-ids="1" '

      2023-05-31T12:00:02 [I|app|110ed532] Authorized user admin(Admin User)
      2023-05-31T12:00:02 [I|app|110ed532] Rendered api/v2/hosts/index.json.rabl within api/v2/layouts/index_layout (Duration: 65.8ms | Allocations: 30874)
      2023-05-31T12:00:02 [I|app|110ed532] Rendered layout api/v2/layouts/index_layout.json.erb (Duration: 71.5ms | Allocations: 37500)
      2023-05-31T12:00:02 [I|app|110ed532] Completed 200 OK in 203ms (Views: 53.2ms | ActiveRecord: 36.3ms | Allocations: 50860)
      2023-05-31T12:00:02 [I|app|dd2e33e2] Started PUT "/api/hosts/6" for at 2023-05-31 12:00:02 -0400
      2023-05-31T12:00:02 [I|app|dd2e33e2] Processing by Api::V2::HostsController#update as JSON
      2023-05-31T12:00:02 [I|app|dd2e33e2] Parameters: {"organization_id"=>5, "host"=>{"name"=>"ip-10-0-167-62.rhos-01.prod.psi.rdu2.redhat.com", "openscap_proxy_id"=>1, "hostgroup_id"=>4, "content_facet_attributes"=>

      {"content_view_id"=>7, "lifecycle_environment_id"=>7}

      , "subscription_facet_attributes"=>{}, "ansible_role_ids"=>[1]}, "apiv"=>"v2", "id"=>"6"}
      2023-05-31T12:00:02 [I|app|dd2e33e2] Authorized user admin(Admin User)
      2023-05-31T12:00:02 [I|app|dd2e33e2] set_up_content_view_environment: cv_id=7, env_id=7
      2023-05-31T12:00:03 [I|app|dd2e33e2] set_up_content_view_environment: done
      2023-05-31T12:00:03 [W|app|dd2e33e2] Action failed
      2023-05-31T12:00:03 [I|app|dd2e33e2] Backtrace for 'Action failed' error (ActiveModel::UnknownAttributeError): unknown attribute 'content_view_id' for Katello::Host::ContentFacet.
      dd2e33e2 | /usr/share/gems/gems/activemodel- `_assign_attribute'
      dd2e33e2 | /usr/share/gems/gems/activerecord- `block in _assign_attributes'
      dd2e33e2 | /usr/share/gems/gems/activerecord- `each'
      dd2e33e2 | /usr/share/gems/gems/puma-6.2.2/lib/puma/thread_pool.rb:147:in `block in spawn_thread'
      dd2e33e2 | /usr/share/gems/gems/logging-2.3.1/lib/logging/diagnostic_context.rb:474:in `block in create_with_logging_context'
      2023-05-31T12:00:03 [I|app|dd2e33e2] Rendered api/v2/errors/custom_error.json.rabl within api/v2/layouts/error_layout (Duration: 10.7ms | Allocations: 6329)
      2023-05-31T12:00:03 [I|app|dd2e33e2] Rendered layout api/v2/layouts/error_layout.json.erb (Duration: 18.5ms | Allocations: 12542)
      2023-05-31T12:00:03 [I|app|dd2e33e2] Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 212ms (Views: 19.1ms | ActiveRecord: 18.5ms | Allocations: 48535)
      2023-05-31T12:00:09 [I|app|] Rails cache backend: File

            rhn-engineering-jlenz Jeremy Lenz
            jira-bugzilla-migration RH Bugzilla Integration
            Chris Roberts Chris Roberts
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
