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  1. Satellite
  2. SAT-16125

Importing Red Hat Repository Import on Disconnected Red Hat Satellite taking huge time around 5 hours


    • Sprint 120
    • Important

      Description of problem:

      • Customer importing Red Hat Repository on Disconnected Red Hat Satellite taking huge time around 5 hours.

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

      • Red Hat Satellite Version 6.11.4

      How reproducible:

      • Try to import Rhel 7 or Rhel 8 AppsSream or Rel 8 BaseOs repository sync will complete but it will take huge time (Approximate 5-6 hours)

      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. Customer having 36 GB Ram and 8 CPU.

      2. Import Huge Red Hat Repository on Disconnected Satellite and observe the time taken to complete.

      Actual results:

      • Importing huge repository takes 5 hours

      Expected results:

      • Customer want to improve this and need time similar to Repository sync.

      Additional info:

      • NA

            jira-bugzilla-migration RH Bugzilla Integration
            jira-bugzilla-migration RH Bugzilla Integration
            Vladimír Sedmík Vladimír Sedmík
            0 Vote for this issue
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