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  1. Satellite
  2. SAT-14726

Disabling "Capsule batch tasks" makes all Ansible role jobs to fail - forever


    • Important

      Description of problem:
      Once we disable "Capsule batch tasks", new Ansible role jobs start to fail. Re-enabling the settings does not help. One needs to restart dynflow-* services to restore it.

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
      Sat 6.11.4

      How reproducible:

      Steps to Reproduce:
      1. Have a job:
      Job Category: Ansible Playbook
      Job Template: Ansible Roles - Ansible Default
      Search Query: (doesnt matter, try it e.g. against 1 host)

      2. Run the job to see it works well.
      3. Disable the batching: WebUI -> Administer -> Settings -> Foreman Tasks -> "Allow Capsule batch tasks" = No.
      4. Rerun the job.
      5. Enable the Capsule batching back.
      6. Rerun the job.
      7. Restart dynflow services:

      satellite-maintain service restart --only=dynflow-sidekiq@orchestrator,dynflow-sidekiq@worker-1,dynflow-sidekiq@worker-2,dynflow-sidekiq@worker-hosts-queue-1

      8. Rerun the job.

      Actual results:
      4. fails
      6. also fails

      Expected results:
      Both 4 and 6 to succeed.

      Additional info:
      In case Capsule batching is required for this type of jobs, and step 4 is expected to fail, then:
      1) we should have it documented (or ideally Sat should warn/prevent triggering such job?)
      2) re-enabling the batching should restore it (i.e. step 6 must work well)

            aruzicka@redhat.com Adam Ruzicka
            jira-bugzilla-migration RH Bugzilla Integration
            Peter Ondrejka Peter Ondrejka
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
