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  1. Satellite
  2. SAT-14108

[RFE] To introduce an option of Start before while scheduling recurring jobs


      Description of problem:

      1. Proposed title of this feature request

      To avoid remote executions jobs to run outside the scheduled time due to the unavailability of a Satellite server for example satellite rebooted and at the same time there were remote jobs of reboot or patching of clients which got delayed resulting in those jobs will be queued and once satellite server was back online then remote jobs got triggered which is the outside window of the host activity.

      2. What is the nature and description of the request?

      Modification of the code which allows adding the "Start before" option for recurring jobs as well.

      3. Why does the customer need this? (List the business requirements here)

      Current behavior:

      The satellite Server has 20 reboot jobs for their hosts at the same time the satellite server was rebooted or it got shut down. Once the satellite server was back online suppose after 30 mins jobs that were supposed to do their work at the host end 30 mins before it got delayed which resulted in rebooting of the production host outside their schedule window.

      To minimize this we have an option "Start Before" at the time of scheduling future execution which can be used to prevent this but the same option is not available if we are Setting up recurring execution. So we required the "Start Before" option to be available for Set up recurring execution.

      4. How would the customer like to achieve this? (List the functional requirements here).

      When going to Jobs --. Run Job --> Under Schedule Section --> Set up recurring execution that "Start before" should be available.

      5. For each functional requirement listed, specify how Red Hat and the customer
      can test to confirm the requirement is successfully implemented.

      Same as Point 3.

      6. Is there already an existing RFE upstream or in Red Hat Bugzilla?


      7. Does the customer have any specific timeline dependencies and which release would they like to target?

      As soon as possible.

      8. Is the sales team involved in this request and do they have any additional input?


      9. List any affected packages or components.


      10. Would the customer be able to assist in testing this functionality if implemented?


              jira-bugzilla-migration RH Bugzilla Integration
              rhn-support-sabhasin Sahil Bhasin
              RH Bugzilla Integration RH Bugzilla Integration
              0 Vote for this issue
              6 Start watching this issue
