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  1. Satellite
  2. SAT-14106

A failed "Actions::Katello::Host::Hypervisors" task lacks identifying information


    • Sprint 114, Sprint 115, Sprint 116, Sprint 117, Sprint 118, Sprint 120, Sprint 121, Sprint 122, Sprint 123, Sprint 124, Sprint 125, Sprint 126, Sprint 127, Sprint 128, Sprint 129, Sprint 130, Sprint 131, Sprint 132
    • Moderate
    • None

      Description of problem:

      When a "Actions::Katello::Host::Hypervisors" task ends with error/warnings, it does not indicate any detail about what hypervisor caused the issue. With the patch attached to this RFE, the erro message displays also the ID and hostname of the affected hypervisor. The customer finds this addition really useful to identify the root cause of the problem, and requests to implement it in future Red Hat Satellite releases.


      Can it be added to the official Satellite code?

      Actual results:

      original error message:
      hypervisors warning: "Validation failed: Name must not include periods, Name must not include periods"

      Expected results:

      patched error message:
      hypervisors warning: "Validation failed: Name must not include periods, Name must not include periods 99999: myhost"

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

      Red Hat Satellite 6.9

              rhn-support-chrobert Chris Roberts
              jira-bugzilla-migration RH Bugzilla Integration
              Sam Bible Sam Bible
              0 Vote for this issue
              1 Start watching this issue
