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  1. Satellite
  2. SAT-11353

Missing insights user roles in satellite 6.10


    • Icon: Feature Request Feature Request
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • None
    • 6.10.2
    • RH Cloud

      Description of problem:
      Below User roles are missing in satellite 6.10 . They were present till 6.9

      • Access Insights Admin
      • Access Insights Viewer

      this happens with FRESH 6.10.2 installs.

      If it's an upgraded satellite, the Insights roles are still there.

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

      How reproducible:

      Steps to Reproduce:
      1.Install a fresh satellite 6.10

      Actual results:
      Below user roles are absent

      • Access Insights Admin
      • Access Insights Viewer

      Expected results:
      Above mentioned user Roles should be present.

            rhn-engineering-sshtein Shimon Shtein
            rhn-engineering-sshtein Shimon Shtein
            RH Bugzilla Integration RH Bugzilla Integration
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