Uploaded image for project: 'Satellite'
  1. Satellite
  2. SAT-11162

Search query for CapuleSync ignores org id


    • Moderate
    • None

      Description of problem:

      On a Satellite with just a few orgs, after syncing a repo, task is Actions::Katello::Repository::Sync, you will notice there is also a CapsuleSync task. e.g.:

      Duration:1 second
      Raw input:
      "current_request_id": "25f576b5-6963-44e5-87ac-7d86e74acb78",
      "current_timezone": "Europe/London",
      "current_organization_id": 3,
      "current_location_id": 4,
      "current_user_id": 5

      Searching for:
      label = Actions::Katello::Repository::Sync and organization_id = 555
      gives no result, as expected

      Searching for:
      label = Actions::Katello::Repository::Sync and organization_id != 555
      or in this example:
      label = Actions::Katello::Repository::Sync and organization_id = 3
      shows the expected task.


      Searching for:

      label = Actions::Katello::Repository::CapsuleSync and organization_id != 555
      label = Actions::Katello::Repository::CapsuleSync and organization_id = 555
      gives the same results.

      i.e. the task is shown.

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
      Sat6.11.0 snap 24 and Sat6.10.7

      How reproducible:
      every time

      Steps to Reproduce:
      1. Create a custom repo and sync it.
      2. Compare search results for:
      label = Actions::Katello::Repository::CapsuleSync and organization_id != XXX
      label = Actions::Katello::Repository::CapsuleSync and organization_id = XXX

      where XXX is a number greater than the number of orgs.

      Actual results:
      CapuleSync task is listed regardless of org id in the search query

      Expected results:
      org id is used to filter the search results just as it is when you search for Actions::Katello::Repository::Sync

      Additional info:
      This is not a regression, same results seen on Sat6.10.7

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            satellite-focaccia-bot Focaccia Bot
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