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  1. Red Hat Process Automation Manager
  2. RHPAM-470

Stunner - Validate and generate the right BPMN process id. name and data properties


      The issues are:

      • Process name value is always DefaultProcess
      • The generated id is the same one as the name given by the new process popup, which can contain invalid characters
      • Process data variable names seem to be candidate to contain invalid characters - for example, it does not allow white-spaces but allows dots, which is not a valid identifier


      • Process name value set as the name given by the new process popup
      • The id property and variable names (process data) should be transformed into a valid value, so probably removing white-spaces, etc from the input value

            josephblt Wagner Lemos (Inactive)
            kgaevski@redhat.com Kirill Gaevskii
            Lubomir Terifaj Lubomir Terifaj
            Lubomir Terifaj Lubomir Terifaj
            0 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
