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  1. Red Hat Process Automation Manager
  2. RHPAM-2460

Rename an asset change the quantity of assets returned by a search


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      1 - Import the reproducer
      2 - Search for "check"
      3 - Rename one of the assets returned (E.g. rename the "checkGenderMale" to checkGenderMale_renamed)
      4 - Return to the search
      PS. If you rename to the original name again the number is increased again

      1 - Import the reproducer 2 - Search for "check" 3 - Rename one of the assets returned (E.g. rename the "checkGenderMale" to checkGenderMale_renamed) 4 - Return to the search PS. If you rename to the original name again the number is increased again
    • 2020 Week 01-03 (from Dec 30)

      After rename an asset the number of assets showed in the pagination count returned by a search is incressed by 1, but the number of assests keep the correct number. E.g. If i have 3 assests and rename one, the search result will show 1-4 in the pagination, but the result keep with only 3 assets.

        1. sampleBpm.zip
          99 kB
        2. before_rename.png
          44 kB
        3. after_renamed.png
          44 kB

              r_anand Rishiraj Anand
              rhn-support-roribeiro Rodrigo Ribeiro (Inactive)
              Barbora Kapustova Barbora Kapustova
              Barbora Kapustova Barbora Kapustova
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue
