Resolution: Done
Red Hat Process Automation Manager 7.0.2.GA
Workaround Exists
2018 Week 36-38, 2018 Week 39-41
The repository id of the Maven repository configured in the Business Central and KIE-Server via the "MAVEN_REPO_URL" environment variable should be configurable in the OpenShift templates for RHPAM (and RHDM).
The problem is that currently that id (in the /.m2/settings.xml) is generated on every container (re)start. However, we need that id if we want to configure the <distributionManagement> in the POM of our project to have our KJAR deployed to our (Nexus) repository on a "Build & Deploy". The repository id configured in our <distributionManagement> section in our POM needs to match the id in the <server> section in the /.m2/settings.xml to be able to authenticate against the repo. E.g.
<distributionManagement> <repository> <uniqueVersion>false</uniqueVersion> <id>repo-THssOuOhFBkN2FCa</id> <name>rhpam-release</name> <url>http://nexus:8081/content/repositories/rhpam-release/</url> <layout>default</layout> </repository> <snapshotRepository> <uniqueVersion>true</uniqueVersion> <id>repo-THssOuOhFBkN2FCa</id> <name>rhpam-snapshot</name> <url>http://nexus:8081/content/repositories/rhpam-snapshot/</url> <layout>legacy</layout> </snapshotRepository> </distributionManagement>
Because that repository id is generated, I currently have to "oc rsh" into the container to figure out the id, and copy that id into my POM. And I need to do that on every container restart, as the ID gets regenerated.
- blocks
RHPAM-1529 PAM7 for OpenShift using an external GIT repository
- Closed
RHPAM-1531 PAM7 PaaS image does not allow to push maven artifacts through remote repositories
- Closed
- relates to
RHDM-735 RHDM maven repository id should be configurable instead of generated
- Closed