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  1. Red Hat Internal Developer Platform
  2. RHIDP-5478

Add new mountpoint support providers and listeners

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    • Icon: Story Story
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • 1.5.0
    • None
    • Dynamic plugins, UI
    • None
    • RHDH F&UI plugins 3268, RHDH F&UI plugins 3269


      As a user of RHDH, I want to install a plugin that can extend RHDH with a provider or a listener or something like the Global FAB plugin.

      The initial use case will be exactly this Global FAB plugin that is created in Epic RHIDP-5228 / https://github.com/redhat-developer/rhdh-plugins/tree/main/workspaces/global-floating-action-button/plugins/global-floating-action-button

      For this we should create new mount points in rhdh that loads one or multiple react providers or components.

      We should expect that a react component can crash and wrap at least the listeners in an error boundary.


      Some technical notes on the FAB button: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NqJ6SUKLvJj-R6ezBITl7NWbqT65qxlrSCa38XWvmjA/edit

      Dependencies and Blockers

      QE impacted work

      Documentation impacted work

      Acceptance Criteria

      1. Mount point definition and documentation
      2. Mount points loads components from plugins

      There will be another ticket for e2e tests.

              dsantra12 Debsmita Santra
              cjerolim Christoph Jerolimov
              RHIDP - Frontend Plugins & UI
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              1 Start watching this issue
