Prepare for Y ReleasePrepare for Z ReleaseRemove QuarterXMLWordPrintable

    • RHDH Core Team 3264

      Why this change?

      • impossible to release automatically from release-1.y branches
      • continuous breakages in main when someone benignly updates their plugin and everyone else is borked too
      • continuous f&&kups by MSR trying to "upversion" an existing released plugin at version 1.4.5 to "new" version 1.0.0 because it either can't support a repo our size, or doesn't know how numbers work 
      • performance is terrible using MSR (even when it DOES work) because it has to rebuild everything, then iteratively try to release everything (~50 plugins)
      • if the yarn lock is dirty you waste 30-40 mins waiting to be told your push failed


      • use changesets, which is the same tech/process as in BCP and rhdh-plugins repos
      • now plugin owners control their own destiny and can choose when/how to push a release to without breaking all the other plugins

   Paul Schultz
   Paul Schultz
            RHIDP - Core Platform
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            2 Start watching this issue
