Resolution: Done
RHDH Core Team 3263
Related to RHIDP-1720 - see recent news about using a release-1.3 branch instead of a 1.3.x branch.
any changes in the plugins' main branch that we need to be in the release-1.3 branch should be cherrypicked there OR if you want EVERYTHING in your plugin(s) in the main branch to land in 1.3, then whole plugins could be copied over (from the current latest version); then main can be incremented to the next y-stream version (eg., copy plugins foo, foo-common and foo-backend 1.4.6 to release-1.3, then bump them to 1.5.0 in main
confirm that we're ready to do this at some point tomorrow after the Pgm call
https://github.com/janus-idp/backstage-showcase/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aopen+1.3.x should be empty (not 17 open PRs) DONE
https://github.com/janus-idp/backstage-plugins/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aopen+1.3.x should be empty (not 17 open PRs) DONE
- midstream updates:
the tagRelease script which handles branch creation and tagging will be updated to the new convention - 1.3 and 1.next branches
midstream sync scripts in gitlab will be pointed at the new branches - 1.3 and 1.next branches
- the 1.3.x branches in all the repos will be copied to release-1.3 - this includes the repos below
force push commits from the current 1.3.x branch into release-1.3; check branch protection rules and copy 1.*.x to release-1.*; make existing 1.3.x branch readonly
check github actions/workflows for anything with a pattern match for 1.*.x and update to use release-1.*
plugins - seems OK, only runs in main
showcase - seems OK, only runs in main
operator - https://github.com/redhat-developer/rhdh-operator/pull/204
chart - seems OK, only runs in main
theme - seems OK, only runs in main
docs - https://github.com/redhat-developer/red-hat-developers-documentation-rhdh/pull/506
templates - seems OK, only runs in main
purge old branches
plugins - 61 branches - won't do; instead migrate to BCP and RHD repos.
showcase - 71 branches - won't do; instead migrate to RHD in RHIDP-1022
plugins: delete migrated plugins - keep readme with link to BCP - https://github.com/janus-idp/backstage-plugins/pull/2212
./catalog-backend-module-scaffolder-relation-processor/README.md **
./feedback-backend/README.md **
./feedback/README.md **
- cut the RC build from the release-1.3 branch and let QE know via email and slack about 4 hours later when it's built
- main branch of janus plugins will have all the plugins bumped to a newer y-stream version if the version in release-1.3 is not already older than the version in main (eg., 1.4.7 in release-1.3 vs. 1.5.0 in main
run version bump script for all non-private plugins in the janus-idp/backstage-plugins repo main branch to 1.(y+1).0
- ./build/scripts/checkPluginVersions.sh -b release-1.3 -t main -s ~/0/0-janus-idp-plugins-GH ==> https://github.com/janus-idp/backstage-plugins/pull/2217
- changes applied. New packages pushed https://github.com/janus-idp/backstage-plugins/actions/runs/10952370294/job/30410938870
- blocks
RHIDP-4051 [QE] Adjust test configuration for the renamed branches (release-1.3 instead of 1.3.x)
- Closed
RHIDP-4120 enable MSR for release-1.3 branch
- Closed
- links to
(2 links to)