Resolution: Done
Description of problem:
With bulk import flow, i selected a repo and created pull request but the PR shows it has conflict https://github.com/arunkumars08/fabric8-recommender/pull/12
Prerequisites (if any, like setup, operators/versions): Install and configure bulk import
Steps to Reproduce
- Click on Bulk import sidebar nav
- Click on add
- Select repo , preview file (added labels), Save , Create pull request
- Merge the PR in GH
- Delete catalog-info.yaml file from the repo
- Delete the repo added from the UI in Added repositories table
- Repeat step 1 to 3 (don't add any labels)
Actual results:
pull request got created for the second time but the PR shows it has conflict https://github.com/arunkumars08/fabric8-recommender/pull/12
Expected results:
PR should be created without any conflict