Resolution: Done
RHIDP-834 - Increase RHDH adoption with bulk import
RHDH F&UI plugins 3259, RHDH F&UI plugins 3260, RHDH F&UI plugins 3261
Integrate the APIs in the front-end
Acceptance Criteria
- “Added Repositories” page
- Fetch and display the list of added repositories
- Show the appropriate status in the “Added Repositories” table, such as (https://www.figma.com/design/09Iltd57RiuqOtKWkjy8MH/Bulk-import?node-id=3-534&t=PVlPEG7w8qJ79xCA-0)
- Queued (waiting for the task to do the ingestion/pull request to start)
- Waiting for PR Approval
Waiting for ServiceNow Ticket Resolution (if ServiceNow is used)- PR Rejected
ServiceNow Ticket Rejected (if ServiceNow is used)- Finished and Ingested
- Ingestion Error (if there’s some error like illegal name, entity name already exists in catalog and such)
- Allow periodic querying of ServiceNow API or Git provider API for import statuses
- Row actions:
- Edit: In case users can edit the PR name, description and owner from this side panel, then yes, let's open the side panel. In case we cannot change these PR details, then we will change that to this icon and it will open the PR itself.
- Refresh: Clicking on the Refresh icon should update the status and last updated columns of the added repository
- Delete: Should remove the repository from the added repositories list
- “Add repositories” page
- Fetch and list the repositories that the user has access to
- Show the appropriate catalog-info.yaml status (https://www.figma.com/design/09Iltd57RiuqOtKWkjy8MH/Bulk-import?node-id=72-1254&t=PVlPEG7w8qJ79xCA-0)
- Render the preview pull request
/ServiceNow ticketcontents- We will want the admin user to be able to customize this catalog-info.yaml with things like annotations, owners, etc.
- We should have a default catalog-info.yaml if no additional configurations were provided
- A dry-run catalog ingestion should occur to determine if any entity name collisions occur.
- Import shouldn't fail, so something like a -(number) may need to be appended to the end of the entity name to ensure uniqueness
- Sanitation of inputs will also be required to follow the backstage naming schemas.
- Create pull request(s)
/ServiceNow ticket(s)on adding the repositories - When the PR creation fails:
- Repository view:
- If the error is about the PR name/description, show the "Edit" button, which will open the side panel so users can edit it.
- If there is any other error, we'll show "View repository" and it will open the PR
- Failed status https://www.figma.com/design/09Iltd57RiuqOtKWkjy8MH/Bulk-import?node-id=72-1254&t=PeINjx8Umu1dJxXT-0
- Edit pull request
/ServiceNow ticket(https://www.figma.com/design/09Iltd57RiuqOtKWkjy8MH/Bulk-import?node-id=483-1148&t=PeINjx8Umu1dJxXT-0)
- Organization view: [Confirm this with UX]
- If the error is about the PR name/description, show the "Edit" button, which will open the side panel so users can edit it
- Add error icon before the tab name
- Inside the tab we can highlight the error, if the PR name for example is wrong, mark this field with an error
- Failed status https://www.figma.com/design/09Iltd57RiuqOtKWkjy8MH/Bulk-import?node-id=770-835&t=AwdcqwiUZ9vFMZaV-0
- Repository view:
- Handle edge cases and error scenarios
- Add unit tests
- Update E2E tests (if required)
Note: Update the acceptance criteria after the spike https://issues.redhat.com/browse/RHIDP-1398
- blocks
RHIDP-2738 Add bulk import frontend plugin in the showcase application
- Closed
- links to