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  1. RHEL Conversions
  2. RHELC-750

Rewrite the log messages using the word "unsupported" in is_loaded_kernel_latest()


    • False
    • False
    • Hide


    • 2
    • 2023-R4, 2024-R1

      The use of unsupported can be confusing and there is better ways of handling the logging of unsupported edge cases. It would be more beneficial to not say unsupported but rather go into detail of what went wrong or what could go wrong with the conversion and why that is the case, such as having a lot of unknown configurations, bad state that is indeterminate, third-party kernels that may modify things a lot and may cause conversion to brick machine etc.

      User Stories

      As a customer of convert2rhel, if I see a message conversion was stopped due to it being unsupported, but it doesn't explain what that means or why it happens. There are some with environment variables I can use so I will just use that and convert. If anything happens I can still raise a support ticket and I know they will help me out.

      Acceptance Criteria

      • Each log message that uses critical and mentions unsupported is changed to not include unsupported
      • Aforementioned log messages go into more verbose detail of what, why, how things went or can go
      • Environment variables replaces with new one need backwards compatibility with a warning, see https://github.com/oamg/convert2rhel/pull/648

              aanglin@redhat.com Andrew Anglin (Inactive)
              fgustavs@redhat.com Freya Gustavsson
              0 Vote for this issue
              5 Start watching this issue
