Uploaded image for project: 'Red Hat Decision Manager'
  1. Red Hat Decision Manager
  2. RHDM-406

[Validation and Verification] Doesn't work in specific combinations of columns


    • RC3
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      1. From the attachment, import the project reproducer into your workbench
      2. Open the decision table reproducer.gdst
      3. The Error will appear
      From the attachment, import the project reproducer into your workbench Open the decision table reproducer.gdst The Error will appear

      If the guided decision table contains two specific columns, then the V&V doesn't work.
      Needed columns for reproducing:

      • Simple condition column, operating over List field, using formula calculation type, using operator contains
      • Brl condition column, checking if fact exists, operating over BigDecimal field

      See the steps to reproduce. Please notice the steps to reproduce describe the firefox behavior. On the chrome the error dialog is not shown neither the validation panel.

              trikkola Toni Rikkola
              rh-ee-jomarko Jozef Marko
              Jozef Marko Jozef Marko
              Jozef Marko Jozef Marko
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue
