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  1. Docs for Red Hat Developers
  2. RHDEVDOCS-4867

ODC 4.13 Release Notes, New features and enhancements


      DevTools RN process information:

      Go through the Epic list, list out the key features and validate with Serena, Nimisha, Christian as to what needs to be called out for the release. This needs to be done for each release.

      The process:



      4.13 epic dashboard: https://issues.redhat.com/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=12346054

      Issues that only require RN, no other doc, will be linked to this issue. But any other 4.13 epic may also need some kind of RN inclusion. We can either ask engineering or the PM to fill out "Release Note Type" on each epic to say either feature or enhancement, or we can do it ourselves and ask for input/confirmation. 

              rhn-support-ssiddhar Shreya Siddhartha
              cbremble@redhat.com Claire Bremble
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue
