Resolution: Done
CRW 2.4.0
Section Creating a workspace using chectl and a local devfile is completely wrong, needs a full rewrite.
- crwctl workspace:start has no --devfile parameter, will try to start a workspace called “-devfile=devfile.yaml”
- Correct command appears to be workspace:create, but:
$➔ ~/bin/crwctl workspace:create --name=my-workspace --devfile=devfile.yaml -n nb-clk-pty --start
... will fail without token.
- Suggested method for getting token (from abazko):
CHE_USER=admin CHE_PASSWORD=admin # unless you changed it from the default KEYCLOAK_HOSTNAME=keycloak-che. # or your RH-SSO route for CRW TOKEN_ENDPOINT="https://${KEYCLOAK_HOSTNAME}/auth/realms/che/protocol/openid-connect/token" export CHE_ACCESS_TOKEN=$(curl -sfSL --cacert ~/cheCA.crt --data "grant_type=password&client_id=che-public&username=${CHE_USER}&password=${CHE_PASSWORD}" ${TOKEN_ENDPOINT} | jq -r .access_token)
- then use it to create and start a workspace
~/bin/crwctl workspace:create --name=my-workspace --devfile=devfile.yaml -n nb-clk-pty --start --access-token=${CHE_ACCESS_TOKEN}
- split from
RHDEVDOCS-2169 EUG - [End User Guide] improvements to 3. Developer workspaces and 3.1. Configuring a workspace using a devfile
- Closed