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Explicitly label CRW for Z and P as Tech Preview in release notes and install guidesRHDEVDOCS-2737
Remove redundant article " Configuring GitHub OAuth" from CRW 2.6 documentationRHDEVDOCS-2629
Lang. check - VALE - `temp.go` A.BazkoRHDEVDOCS-2616
Terminology, languageRHDEVDOCS-2601
Update bitbucket related documentation with known issues and process workaroundsRHDEVDOCS-2546
Red Hat Che in a CRW Table headingRHDEVDOCS-2538
Remove VERSION file in che-docs; keep antora-playbook.yml up to date insteadRHDEVDOCS-2522
Apply new attribute for {prod-namespace} and clear all old and bad occurrences of the hardcoded versions of this attributeRHDEVDOCS-2504
[DDF] enviroment > environmentRHDEVDOCS-2482
Review and update - `Switching between external and internal ways in inter-component communication`RHDEVDOCS-2481
Return the GitHub PR plug-in section in CRW docs - End of JanuaryRHDEVDOCS-2480
The `Kubernetes Image puller` appearance in the CRW docsRHDEVDOCS-2472
Update and attributize all the images mentioned in the docsRHDEVDOCS-2471
Add procedure how to log in into Identity ProviderRHDEVDOCS-2469
EUG -> AG - Move Configuring OAuth authorization to the Administration GuideRHDEVDOCS-2464
AG - Remove mentions of Docker in CRW AGRHDEVDOCS-2456
IG - single-host requirements and limitationsRHDEVDOCS-2453
[AG] Document how to set up Keycloak / RH SSO readonly themeRHDEVDOCS-2419
The CLI installation process is not documented for OCP v4.x clustersRHDEVDOCS-2311
Update documentation of artifact repositories using untrusted TLS certificates
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