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  1. Docs for Red Hat Developers
  2. RHDEVDOCS-2133

IG - 4.1 Upgrading CodeReady Workspaces using OperatorHub contains not useful instructions - replace with details about how to use manual and nightly subscriptions to do upgrades


      Today, the 4.1 Upgrading CodeReady Workspaces using OperatorHub section of the install guide tells users that to upgrade from 2.x to 2.x+1 the need to:

      • install 2.x via subscription
      • turn on automated subscription (if not already done)
      • wait as the magic happens.

      While true, this isn't helpful information.

      Instead, we should document HOW this upgrade path is achieved:

      1. a subscription to an older startingCSV exists already (because user installed CRW via operatorHub and this Subscription object was created automatically for them
      2. the operatorSource / catalogSource is updated when a new operator is published to the quay application
      3. the subscription polls the source and finds a new version
      4. the new version is installed if the subscription is set to installPlanApproval: Automatic

      And, as a value-add for customers (and our own QE and devs and SAs) we should document how to install and stay current with the 2.x CI/nightly builds, so that we can:

      • test updating from an older version to the latest
      • easily run the latest if you want to experiment with unreleased features (obviously we slap a big UNSUPPORTED / Your Computer May Catch On Fire warning on that)

              yhontyk@redhat.com Yana Hontyk (Inactive)
              nickboldt Nick Boldt
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