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  1. Hybrid Cloud Console
  2. RHCLOUD-37246

[Tech debt] Migrate quickstarts javascript client to new builder


    • 1
    • Plat-Ex Services Sprint 30

      Part of https://issues.redhat.com/browse/RHCLOUD-32282

      We will use the quickstarts client as an initial example of how to update the remaining clients to the new builder.

      Upgrading to the new builder will result in breaking changes - the build folder will no longer contain a `dist` sub-directory; it will include the common JS build in the root and a folder for the `esm` build. We will need to publish these changes as a major semver (x.x.x) bump in npm.

              bflorkie@redhat.com Bryan Florkiewicz
              bflorkie@redhat.com Bryan Florkiewicz
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