Resolution: Unresolved
Follow-up to: https://github.com/RedHatInsights/insights-chrome/pull/2975
This will require updates in both astro assistant repo and chrome ui
- the astro assistant now keeps the open state internally, we can introduce an isOpen prop that will be passed to the Scalprum component rendering the assistant and basically overwrite the internal state
- chrome UI then needs to be updated with some isOpen flag stored globally
Mary's mocks here: https://www.figma.com/design/i1QHuzrWuvFr91PSpwg2Pr/CY24Q4-Masthead-and-search-revamp?node-id=1-5806&t=w2yLtUUh3rNggjdC-4
- clones
RHCLOUD-36187 Update Search Empty State
- Closed
- is cloned by
RHCLOUD-36239 [CHROME] Search Empty State help link
- New
- is related to
RHCLOUD-36152 Updates to services dropdown menu
- New
RHCLOUD-36585 Services dropdown menu (Left side) styling updates
- Closed
RHCLOUD-38088 Services dropdown menu (Right side) styling updates
- Closed
- relates to
RHCLOUD-36132 Quick search wins 4 "satellite" and "sca"
- Refinement