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  1. Hybrid Cloud Console
  2. RHCLOUD-32478

AuthZ UXD | Migration Story planning and organization


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      Mary to drive/assemble migration golden path story. Work with Asumi, SJ, and Kendra on deliverables.

      All mocks should be created in terms of the Pinnacle data model.

      Due for initial drafts to review for May 10th:

      • [Mary] How do we 'invite' orgs to enable workspaces across the console and step them through the process of enabling them? Banners? Modals? Pages? Widgets?
      • [Mary] How does the RBAC (soon to be 'Workspaces Overview') page change between the phases ...
        • User has not opted into workspaces migration
        • User has opted into migration but migration hasn't happened yet
        • User has opted in and workspaces are now enabled
      • [Asumi] What new functionality / widgets will the homepage need once a user has opted into the workspaces model?

      Due for initial drafts to review for late May (tentative):

      • [SJ] How can we illustrate a user's asset organization from the existing model into the new workspaces model? This should be a "smart" structural diagram/representation of what the migration did to their orgs and roles – not a static, generic diagram, but rather something that actually pulls in their data to show how it is getting mapped into workspaces. 
        • This visual will get woven into the 'opt in flow' and potentially the RBAC landing page

      Due for review early June (tentative):

      • [Mary, Kendra, Asumi] How can we take all of the artifacts above, in terms of the Pinnacle migration model, and weave it into the GPS?

      Helpful links

            maryshak1996 Mary Shakshober
            maryshak1996 Mary Shakshober
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