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  1. Hybrid Cloud Console
  2. RHCLOUD-25322

Draft Console Product Analytics Strategy


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      One of the critical goals of the Hybrid Cloud Console in CY23 is to continue to be data-informed. We want to leverage additional product analytics to gain insights into user behaviors, patterns, and trends. By doing this we will make more informed decisions to enhance user experience and create stickiness of the console in our users' workflows.


      General questions [Not final]

      • How can we make sure our users are successful with our product?
      • What’s blocking users from getting started with our products?
        For example; in “Red Wall of Death” changed from 13 fields to create an account, and we turned into 5. Does it help?
      • How can we add value to the product that users are willing to pay for, and where do we stop adding value to products that users do NOT want to pay for?
      • Grow our Monthly Active Users by expanding new and existing services offered on the console.
      • Cost Optimization recommendations from the core console team; ie identifying areas on the console where
      • Do our current “entry points” help drive users into the console?

            khatchou Kevin Hatchoua
            khatchou Kevin Hatchoua
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