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  1. OpenShift Request For Enhancement
  2. RFE-4637

RFE: Additional nic on machines in Azure via machineset


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      The customer wants a feature to specify an additional subnet in Azure Machineset so additional NIC gets created and attached to the VM automatically.

      As they are very interested in the below RFE:

      I am sharing the exact customer's words below.



      We would like to be able to use the great work you did in ovn-kubernetes on our machines in Azure, but this is not straight forward. It would look like this:
      - scale up a machine set, wait for the node to be up
      - cordon the node and shut it down
      - add nic connected to a different subnet through the azure portal, boot the machine
      - add a default route with a higher weight
      ip route add default via metric 999
      - EgressIP can then be assigned on the node as usual, using the  k8s.ovn.org/egress-assignable label node and the EgressIP resources.
      ideally we should be able to define the machinespec with extra subnets, in similar fashion
                networkResourceGroup: net-01
                subnet: paas1
                - subnet: dmz
                - subnet: public
      the machinespec would be in charge of creating the nic in the right subnet as you said.



            gausingh@redhat.com Gaurav Singh
            rhn-support-aygarg Ayush Garg
            2 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
