Feature Request
Resolution: Unresolved
Not Selected
DU deployed at the cell generates:
High amount of ACII logs
High amount of binary logs
Neither of above can be streamed on permanent bases to central location. This is besides not Vector nor Loki will support binary
Ideal solution:
Binary to be written to the Host Ram disk (LVM)
ASCII to be written to the SSD LVM
Functionality that allows access and potentially Resync of the LVM is missed. We need to have a pod capable of providing
Local access to see the logs.
Resync with external storage.
Waht we are looking for :
To store all the logs locally using LVM(LVMS operator? LSO?) to store those logs and not to flush them as they go (unless storage is full?)
Ideally if the logs can be done on rotation basis with the rotation of the base (# of logs kept) configurable on the deployment.