1. Proposed title of this feature requests
- Live logs for the upgrade progress with GUI and CommandLine.
2. What is the nature and description of the request?
- Something like $ oc adm upgrade –to=4.x –wait-for-upgrade
- It should print out the live logs for the upgrade process going on.{}
3. Why does the customer need this? (List the business requirements here)
- From the customer's perspective, It is difficult to understand the progress of the upgrade by just checking the progress percentage.
- Sometimes support engineers have to join the remote just to ensure that things are in place and assure customers that nothing is broken.
- Adding such a feature will help customer to monitor the upgrade efficiently.
- It will help support engineers also to identify the point of failure and take action accordingly.
- Collecting must-gather and attaching it to the case each time when the upgrade is stuck is time-consuming and frustrating.
- It will improve the user experience for cluster upgrades.
4. List any affected packages or components.
- duplicates
RFE-4839 API to monitor cluster upgrade status
- Accepted
- relates to
OCPSTRAT-1823 [TP] 'oc adm upgrade status' command and status API
- In Progress
OCPSTRAT-1356 'oc adm upgrade status' command improvements - Tech Preview
- Release Pending
OCPSTRAT-648 (Tech Preview) 'oc adm upgrade status' command
- Closed
OCPSTRAT-1063 Adding 'oc adm upgrade status' command (phase-1, undocumented)
- Closed
- links to