Feature Request
Resolution: Unresolved
Not Selected
> 1. Proposed title of this feature request
Specify the network interface for the ovnKubernetes ( ovs switch interface ) during the installation.
> 2. What is the nature and description of the request?
For the network layout, we want to use our internal traffic to go over a specific interface, while our external traffic is on another interface.
In the current implementation, the OVS switch (br-ex) interface is always configured with the interface that has the default gateway.
We'd like to be able to specify the interface that will be used instead.
> 3. Why do you need this? (List the business requirements here)
Have the possibility to install the cluster with our network layout.
Make sure that our solution is supported; we have a work-around (move the default gateway after the installation see the related support case. Make sure that our solution is supported, with the current workaround we end up with a cluster network setup that's not possible to install with the "normal" installation process.
We'd like to see this implemented with all OpenShift installation options (UPI, IPI, Agent-based installer )
> 4. How would you like to achieve this? (List the functional requirements here)
We see two possibilities;
- add a parameter to the installation that allows us to set OVS switch interface
- currently, it's possible to add an additional interface to the OVS switch, by specifying the additional interface in /etc/ovnk/extra_bridge.
If we can specify the "primary" interface is a similar file during the installation ( e.g. ignition or machine config before the OVS switch gets configured.
> 5. For each functional requirement listed in question 4, specify how Red Hat and the customer can test to confirm the requirement is successfully implemented.
Install the cluster and use a different interface as the default gateway for the ovnKube configuration during the installation. Make sure that the cluster works correctly.
- depends on
OCPSTRAT-439 [Tech Preview] Support of configure-ovs Alternative
- Closed
OCPSTRAT-1398 [GA] Support of configure-ovs Alternative
- Closed