Resolution: Done
BU Product Work
0% To Do, 50% In Progress, 50% Done
Program Call
In https://issues.redhat.com/browse/OPNET-10 we did some initial investigation of a new design for handling creation of br-ex for OVNK. We successfully came up with a high-level design, but we still need to translate that into an implementable OpenShift feature. The goal for this epic would be to come up with an accepted enhancement. The implementation of the design would likely need to happen in the next release.
Notable obstacles to this work are:
- The inability to do per-node configuration in existing OpenShift operators. In order to support things like static IPs we need a way to provide a separate configuration for each node.
- API team's objections to having NMState configurations represented in the OpenShift API. When we discussed this with them recently they were strongly opposed to NMState as an interface, including the existing baremetal and kubernetes-nmstate cases.
- clones
OCPSTRAT-439 [Tech Preview] Support of configure-ovs Alternative
- Closed
- depends on
OPNET-10 R&D: Configure-ovs.sh replacement
- Closed
- incorporates
RFE-3375 Enable user to edit the day1 NMState of a cluster as day2 operation
- Closed
- is depended on by
RFE-3873 Support OVN-K localnet attachment to source-load-balancing bond on default NIC
- Backlog
RFE-4003 Specify the interface for OVN-K br-ex during installation
- Backlog
- links to