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  1. OpenShift Request For Enhancement
  2. RFE-2643

[RFE] OpenShift Web Console Does Not Trim Whitespace from Registry Server Address when Adding to Pull-Secret


    • False
    • False
    • OCPPLAN-8030 - Console: Customer Happiness (RFEs) for 4.8-4.12

      What problem/issue/behavior are you having trouble with? What do you expect to see?
      Having whitespace at the beginning or end of a registry server address is hard to see and can cause unexpected and difficult to track errors when pulling images. I don't believe having whitespace at the beginning or end of passwords/registry server addresses is valid anywhere, and trimming whitespace is a fairly standard procedure in this kind of entry form, so the web console should not allow it/should trim it.

      What is the business impact? Please also provide timeframe information.
      Developer and customer hours are wasted when time is spent debugging this kind of issue, which is a scenario that should not be allowed in the first place.

      Where are you experiencing the behavior? What environment?
      Openshift Web Console

            sdoyle@redhat.com Serena Nichols
            rhn-support-vmedina1 Victor Medina
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
