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  1. RESTEasy
  2. RESTEASY-3470

CLOSE-WAIT when using JEE REST within a Servlet Filter


      We have a Servlet Filter that calls a different HTTP service. After the call has returned, the target service leaves the connection open/alive for other requests to follow. After some timeout, the target service closes the connection. Normally, a client service confirms that the connection is closed, but in this case it does not, so it stays in CLOSE-WAIT.

      This only happens, if we use it from within the Servlet Filter and use the JEE or MP APIs.

      We had a live incident, because the possible number of open sockets was exceeded, so our service couldn't open new connections.

              jperkins-rhn James Perkins
              ruediger.dohna@codecentric.de RĂ¼diger zu Dohna
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