Resolution: Done
quarkus:update - dependencies with relocations are reported as "remove version"
Upstream issue: https://github.com/quarkusio/quarkus/issues/24497
[INFO] --- quarkus-maven-plugin:2.7.5.Final:update (default-cli) @ 002-quarkus-all-extensions --- [WARNING] quarkus:update goal is experimental, its options and output might change in future versions [INFO] [INFO] Extensions from io.quarkus.platform:quarkus-bom: [INFO] Update: io.quarkiverse.config:quarkus-config-consul:1.0.1 -> remove version (managed) [INFO] Update: io.quarkiverse.vault:quarkus-vault:1.0.1 -> remove version (managed) [INFO] [INFO] Extensions from io.quarkus.platform:quarkus-amazon-services-bom: [INFO] Update: io.quarkiverse.amazonservices:quarkus-amazon-s3:1.0.2 -> remove version (managed) [INFO] Update: io.quarkiverse.amazonservices:quarkus-amazon-sqs:1.0.2 -> remove version (managed) [INFO] Update: io.quarkiverse.amazonservices:quarkus-amazon-kms:1.0.2 -> remove version (managed) [INFO] Update: io.quarkiverse.amazonservices:quarkus-amazon-ses:1.0.2 -> remove version (managed) [INFO] Update: io.quarkiverse.amazonservices:quarkus-amazon-sns:1.0.2 -> remove version (managed) [INFO] Update: io.quarkiverse.amazonservices:quarkus-amazon-dynamodb:1.0.2 -> remove version (managed) [INFO] [INFO] Extensions from registry.quarkus.io: [INFO] Update: io.quarkiverse.artemis:quarkus-artemis-jms:1.0.3 -> 1.0.4 [INFO] Update: io.quarkiverse.neo4j:quarkus-neo4j:1.0.2 -> 1.0.6 [INFO] Update: io.quarkiverse.amazonalexa:quarkus-amazon-alexa:1.0.1 -> 1.0.2 [INFO] Update: io.quarkiverse.jgit:quarkus-jgit:1.1.0 -> 1.2.0 [INFO] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dependencies with relocations are reported as "remove version". I'm using io.quarkus groupId and relying on relocations in my sample project.
The real action should be to change groupId and artifactId of extensions that were moved to quarkiverse.
There is nothing to be done with version as the sample project is not defining them.
For more details see upstream issue https://github.com/quarkusio/quarkus/issues/24497
Priority kept on the default one as extensions with relocations are not crucial for product side.
- is related to
QUARKUS-1396 Assisted updates
- Closed