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  1. Quarkus
  2. QUARKUS-1396

Assisted updates


      Currently updating RHBQ users are required to be aware of new releases and are keeping. To help customers update we need a set of features that can help the users to use the latest available version compatible with their application. 

      We can divide the assisted updates into three different features.

      1. Detect when new versions are available - When building a Quarkus application regardless if using Maven, Gradle, or the CLI the tooling should inform the user if there is a newer version available.  For new micro release there should be a WARNING, but for new minor release there should be an INFO printed in the log file when building.
      2. CLI assisted updates - Moved to QUARKUS-1912
      3. CLI assisted community-to-product - Moved to QUARKUS-1912
      4. Supported vs Non-supported report - Moved to QUARKUS-1888


              olubyans@redhat.com Alexey Loubyansky
              rhn-sa-tqvarnst Thomas Qvarnström
              Rostislav Svoboda Rostislav Svoboda
              0 Vote for this issue
              6 Start watching this issue
